Two issues

Hey y'all. Maybe you can help, I'm having two issues with my pepper patch.
First off, some of my plants- especially my tabasco plant- are showing leaf curl. 


I'm in San Antonio, these are in the ground already, and it's been fairly warm recently. I also have a cayenne plant that's showing similar curling. 
Second issue: I have a chile pequin plant that was transplanted from a friend's garden. It greened up, put on leaves... and then just stopped growing. It's like it's in a state of suspended animation. I've fertilized some, is there another potential cause for growth to just quit?
Some of the leaves seem to be exhibiting signs of fertilizer burn. What are you fertilizing with, how much and how often? 
Plants tend to focus their energy on one thing at a time (for the most part.) Either root development, steam and leaf development, or flower and pod development. The type of fertilizer you use tends to push things in one of these directions. Typically what appears to be suspended growth is actually the plant working on developing its roots. So the question above applies to this, as well.
Fertilized with Medina "Growin Green" 4-2-3, about 2 weeks ago. Last Saturday, put down a fresh load of compost/ mulch on top of existing soil. Some point in between, gave a few sprays of epsom salts on foliage. 
Does the soil have good drainage? Might be Root rot.
Seems like the salts might have caused the plant to be sensitive to the fertilizer. Give it a good wash out and let it stand for a couple days. Should be back to normal.