Two peppers on one node


Deformities are always cool eh. I've had several over the years with what I call the "mutant brain syndrome", where there is a small pod growing inside another pod right at the stem. Had this in Fresnos and Anchos/Poblanos. I've also got a two pepper node on an ornamental masquerade plant. I'll have to remember to get a pic.
Deformities are always cool eh. I've had several over the years with what I call the "mutant brain syndrome", where there is a small pod growing inside another pod right at the stem. Had this in Fresnos and Anchos/Poblanos. I've also got a two pepper node on an ornamental masquerade plant. I'll have to remember to get a pic.
That happens all the time with the Bolivian Rainbow Chilies that I have.

Yep, your growth is not uncommon. Alotof the time I'll see that on my Piruiras and Cayenne Ring-of-Fire.