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seeds Two seeds germinated, which to pull, which to leave?

Hello all! Been a lurker here for a while, now I'm finally posting with a new grow I've started!

I recently started a variety of seeds in a 7 pod Aerogarden on 1/15/2013, each with two seeds per grow pod. A few of them have germinated both seeds, which brings me to my question -- Is there a method I should use for determining which one of the sprouts I want to keep, and which one I should remove? Or should I leave them both go? Any and all advice is appreciated ... Thanks!

I'd try to save each and every plant. At this point, you can easily divide the roots and plant them in a 4" pot and keep them under lights. You'll find lots of people who would love to try and grow your extra peppers.
I'd try to save each and every plant. At this point, you can easily divide the roots and plant them in a 4" pot and keep them under lights. You'll find lots of people who would love to try and grow your extra peppers.

I'm sure there is a way to do this, but from everything I've always heard, you cut the smaller and let the healthiest one thrive. Disecting roots sounds impossible. How would you know which roots went to which? I'm sure it could work but I would bet money you would be setting your plant back quite a bit.
okay boys and girls.. step back.. AERO master here.. hahaha i have 3 aeros and have found myself in this predicament before.. its possible to split them both..and have both survive... but for me i waited for them to get a little bigger so when you accidentally snap their roots.. theyll have plenty more to recover
just a side note.. when the seeds were starting to pop out of the shell i kept a close eye..and id put the one that hasnt popped and put it on the outer portion of the sponge.. when it sprouted.. i put it in another sponge... make your own seed starter tray... its cheap..
or make your own bigger version

whoa, another aerogarden user. Niceeee

keep 'em or transplant to soil and post it up on FB, ask if anyone wants a free, healthy chili plant. Mine will get taken up in no time.

Of course, keep the biggest and healthiest to yourself.
I'd just cull either.

First of all, I think it is probably too early to tell which will ultimately be more fruitful.

Second of all, since you had such good germination rates it would be very easy to replace the plant if you made an error (assuming you still have more seeds).