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Two types of Shriracha

OK, so I went to the big city (ha ha ha) today and went into a couple of Asian food stores to buy Rooster sauce. So I did, but I also picked up a bottle of Sriracha made in Thailand - Shark brand.


So, how is the Shark Sriracha compared to the Rooster?

Sweeter. A lot sweeter, contains 20% sugar according to the label.

Runnier. Rooster sauce contains xanthan gum, the Shark doesn't.

Smoother. Rooster sauce does have a little texture to it.

Less hot. I would guesstimate about half as hot and the heat goes away almost immediately.

I like them both, but I'll be using them differently. The Rooster sauce I'll use instead of ketchup for sausages and meatballs etc, and the Shark sauce I'll use for more asian inspired dishes like stir fries in lieu of sweet chili sauce because that is basically what it is.

I get a feeling that this Shark Brand Sriracha Sauce isn't the real thing that you would find in Thai homes, but rather a product made for export and export only. The fact that the label is 100% in english and has an american "Nutrition Facts"-box is kind of a give away. Can someone confirm or deny?
I'm using Three Mountains brand sriracha from Thailand. it's the only Thai sriracha brand I found similar to Huy Fong and not sweet as the others.


I like the yellow one more, but I have very little of it. next package is all yellow. :)
I actually tasted the sweeter ones first. It can't be the real deal because it's a type of sauce, not A sauce. you can make it the way you like it yourself and it's still sriracha.
imaguitargod said:
Does it have Sulfites?

According to the label it contains chile, water, sugar, garlic, salt and vinegar. No other ingredients. (The one made in Thailand that is)
Omri said:
I actually tasted the sweeter ones first. It can't be the real deal because it's a type of sauce, not A sauce. you can make it the way you like it yourself and it's still sriracha.

Depends on what you mean by "real deal" - in this case what thai people in Thailand use. But I agree with you, it's not a sauce like Tabasco (if that is a sauce) it's a sauce like ketchup.
MrArboc said:
Depends on what you mean by "real deal" - in this case what thai people in Thailand use. But I agree with you, it's not a sauce like Tabasco (if that is a sauce) it's a sauce like ketchup.
I know what Thai people use in Thailand... I originally found the Three Mountains sauce while traveling in Thailand... :shocked:
Omri said:
I know what Thai people use in Thailand... I originally found the Three Mountains sauce while traveling in Thailand... :shocked:

So you answered my question without me realizing it;)
I bought a bottle (7oz) of shark brand sriracha at a asain store (discount by the looks of it cuz most of the expiration dates on the items)
I wasnt impressed by it, for me it kinda had a funky taste to it & it wasn't hot. I'll take the rooster sauce!

ingredient list is
- chiles 35%
- water 25%
- sugar 20%
- garlic 10%
- salt 5%
- vinegar 5%
the one on the right in the pic I finally got around to buying a few weeks back (grocery store finally has it). I love this stuff it is great on just about anything.
Sriracha is a city in Thailand-Thais will tell you that anything not made there isn't Sriracha Sauce and they do have a point.

Also Thais-especially but not exclusively those from Bangkok-like sweet tasting food so it's not surprising some of their bottled sauces are on the sweet side.

That US made red stuff is jacked full of salt, not bad in small quantities but in no way a quality product.
Sam Salmon said:
Sriracha is a city in Thailand-Thais will tell you that anything not made there isn't Sriracha Sauce and they do have a point.

is that kinda along the lines as texas red chilli not made in texas...then its not real texas chilli ;):lol::crazy:
I like the taste of the sauce on the right side of the picture, but unfortunately, it's a heart attack waiting to happen. The sodium content is very dangerous. That bottle has 15 THOUSAND mg of sodium. OMG.

cmpman1974 said:
I like the taste of the sauce on the right side of the picture, but unfortunately, it's a heart attack waiting to happen. The sodium content is very dangerous. That bottle has 15 THOUSAND mg of sodium. OMG.


Had to check this. And you are correct of course: One recommended serving (5 grams... or 1 tsp) contains 100 mg of sodium, and the bottle contains 158 servings. (How many of us limit ourselves to a 1 tsp serving?)

But the other one is even worse, one serving of 20 grams has 470 mg of sodium.

Hmmmm, I wonder why the sauce made in the USA has such a ridiculously small serving size:crazy: