Taken 2 weeks ago:
Taken today:

Taken today:

Yellow GhostSteelHeat said:Looks good! What are you growing?
They have sun all day long. I may move them into a spot that gets evening shade later this year. We have been getting temps in the upper 80s lower 90s.sirex said:Donyou keep them out all day in the sun?
What are your daytime temps?
That is a marigold. It help to attract pollinators. It also help to attract lady bugs. I've already noticed several breeding pairs of lady bug beetles on my pepper plants. Lady bugs and their larvae keep aphid populations from building up on my plants.parker49 said:Yeah the plants looks real good. Is that a marigold on the end and do you find that it keeps bugs away?
horticultural steroids... Are you talking about my worm castings??mpicante said:Looking good indeed.Two weeks growth! are you using horticultural steroids or what???just kidding.Great BIG PLANTS look good.
Worm castings mixed into the potting mix. Aerated worm casting tea used as a foliar treatment weekly. Aerated worm casting tea used as a soil drench at least every other week.mlittle74 said:Post a success pic like that and everybody has questions
And I was wondering what if any fertilizer you used on those beauties. I just bought some Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and I'm gonna hit my pepper plants with that tomorrow.
sirex said:Donyou keep them out all day in the sun?
What are your daytime temps?
Bomparty said:That is freakin' amazing
I hope mine will do the same.
I'm growing 96 different varieties.
What are you growing there in Denmark?
Bomparty said:I'm growing 96 different varieties.
Red Bell Pepper, Orange Bell Pepper, Orange Sweet, Yellow Sweet, Red Sweet, Cayenetta, Sulu Adana, Hot Cuba, Pasilla Bajio, Hungarian Black, Farmers Jalapeno, Yalova Charleston, Red Spanish, Tequila Sunrise, Cumra Cherry, Aji Verde, Hungarian Hot Wax, Albanian Red Hot, Jalapeno, Bishops Hat, Hot Burrito, Orange Fresno, Peter Pepper, Bolivian Rainbow, Joes Long Cayenne, Fajita, Golden Cayenne, Cheyenne, Cayenne long,Slim, Hair Pepper, Måske Tabasco, Aji Peruvian, Grocery Store Chili, Hot Beads, Pimeta De Neyde, Apache, Yukari Bakan, Tepin,
Aji Cito, Yellow Jamaican Scotch Bonnet, Red Jamaican Scotch Bonnet, Adjuma, Red Habanero, Yellow Habanero, Habanero Vietnam, Habanero Lemon, Orange Habanero, Datil, Yellow Fatalii, White Fatalii, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet, Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Trinidad Peach Scorpion, Habanero Red Savina, Bih Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia Red, Orange Bhut Jolokia, Bhut Orange Copenhagen, White Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Brown/Chocolate Bhut jolokia, Peach Bhut Jolokia, Assam Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon, Monster Naga, White 7 Pod, 7 Pod Bubblegum, Infinity Chili, Dorset Naga, Yellow 7 Pod, 7 Pod Original Red, Peach Naga, 7 Pod Jonah, 7 Pod Barrackpore, 7 Pod Brain Strain, Trinidad 7 Pod SR Gigantic, Naga Viper, 7 Pod Primo, White Naga, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Red, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow, Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate, Brown Bhutlah SLP, Caramel 7 Pod, Trinidad 7 Pod Douglah, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Blend, Moruga Scorpion Evergreen, Mustard Moruga, Caramel Moruga, Brown Moruga, Moruga UV, Carolina Reaper, Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw, JAFSH, The Superhot Beast, Trinidad 7 Pod SR Strain.
Habanero Fellow said:
Wow!! You are really bringing some Capsaicin to your Nation!! I keep my varieties around the ten mark. My favorite pepper by taste is the Jalapeño. I've often wished that there was a super hot with the taste of the Jalapeño. I have grown and stressed Jalapeños that seemed to get near the heat of a Habanero.
Bomparty said:
My favorite pepper so far is the Brain Strain but I havent tasted all of them yet because it's only my second year growing and most of them are new on my growing list. Sadly they aren't as big as yours yet tho.