• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tybos' 2025 Glog Attempt

Hello everyone. It's been a long minute since I've posted anything here. Life decided to throw a lot of health issues my way and while some have been resolved, there are some that never will be. I have been checking out the site without logging in most of the time and see some pepper people I knew are still on here. I'm gonna attempt a Glog and see how that goes. I have lots of seeds in the fridge that are getting pretty old so I thought I'd try to start a few. So far I've tried to sprout some wilds with out much luck. I do have a 2018 model of Galapagos Long from Canedog that popped rather quickly. Looks like it will be my glog pic.
I began with a soak in a H2O2/RO water mix for 24 hours then placed the seeds into Rapid Rooter plugs. I've had good luck in the past with these. With only 1 seed sprouting, I'm not so sure the plugs were the way to go. I've also had good luck with rock wool cubes in the past so I may give a few of those a try. Anyway, I'll post a pic of the Galapagos Long for starters. As for the rest of the glog, I'll probably stick with mild to medium peppers this season. Maybe 1 hot plant for powder. I like to gently sprinkle some as needed to perk up a bland meal!:party: Hope everyone has a great day!
Glad you'll be gloging this season Tybo, and looking forward to following your grow. Happy to see you were able to coax a sprout from those old seeds. Looks like a healthy one!
Good to see you posting Tybo, I'll be following along. Good luck and take care.
Good to see you too. I think I saw some seeds from you in my stash. If I remember correctly they are all hots or superhots. (I can't always count on my memory though!)
Glad you'll be gloging this season Tybo, and looking forward to following your grow. Happy to see you were able to coax a sprout from those old seeds. Looks like a healthy one!
I was surprised to see this one pop so fast as it is one of the oldest. I've got a few more I'm trying go sprout but so far they are being stubborn.
Time for a little update.
The Galapagos Long is coming along nicely. It's in 70/30 coco coir/perlite mix for now and being fed Jacks 5-12-26, Calcium Nitrate and Epsom Salts at a 3:2:1 ratio. I'm debating whether to grow this one out in my outdoor hydroponic set up or just use potting mix. There's plenty of time to decide. The weather here is crazy. We just had snow and ice so I'm in no hurry to start any other varieties. Here is a pic of the plant.

I have a few more wild seeds in the germination process but they are really slow. I did have a surprise last night though. I put some Rhomboidum seeds in a damp paper towel and have been waiting for something to happen. Lo and behold, I checked last night and found one had sprouted and was about 1.5" long. I placed it in a Rapid Rooter plug and just a few minutes later it had fallen completely over. I didn't figure it would make it, and it still may not, but this morning it was standing up. It is so dainty though, I have my doubts. It's getting nothing but RO water right now just to keep the RR plug damp. Fingers crossed.

It will be a while before I start any Annums or Chinense seeds. I'm ready for winter to be over.
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Not much happening around here. Still too early in the season for me to start much of anything. I've done that in the past and ran out of room trying to take care of them until time to plant out.
Here's a couple of pics of the plants I do have started.
First is the Galapagos Long. Its looking pretty good.

And next, the little Rhomboidium. This one has just about stalled out. She's still alive but just not growing much. Ive been feeding this one GH Rapid Start. It might be time to give it something a little more potent.

I haven't had any more of the "wild" seeds sprout. Maybe that is a hint for me to not grow any. I do have some seeds on order that may or may not come. According to tracking, they've made it part of the way to me and then quit moving. Good ol USPS.
Like I said, not much going on yet.
I was unable to track the seeds I have on order so I contacted the seller. They decided they were lost and have replaced the shipment. Hopefully these will make it.
@MarcV are you still thinking? I've been trying to figure out the thinking face emote.