food U of L BLEW IT fried burgers,gravy, fries, and gravy.;)

Guess I spoke too soon.;)

U of L didn't want it bad enough. Comfort food time BIG TIME.

85 lbs USDA pure angus beef
54 bags of frozen french fries, whatever style you like.
2 gallons essence.
Milk, some.
5 gallons of flour
8 lbs SALT
30 gallons virgin grape seed oil......


Form the ground beef into thin patties, whatever size you like.

Sprinkle HEAVILLY both sides with essence.

Dredge both sides in flour. LET THEM REST FOR 1/2 kidding.

Pan fry them, preferably in cast iron, over med-hi heat in 1/4 inch or so of oil. Keep them warm in a 150F oven.

Meanwhile, back at the bat cave, fry the fries or bake them or steam them, or whatever TF if that floats your boat.

When done frying the meat, add enough flour to the greasy, messy pan to soak up the rest of the oil. Brown it for 2 minutes or so.

Add enough milk to make a fairly thick but clumpy gravy. Bring to a gentle boil to thicken. Add some garlic powder and salt to season the gravy to taste.

Position 8 or 9 fried beauties on the plate just barely overlapping, carefully place fries on any remaining part of the plate.

Cover the whole mother EFFing plate with gravy.

Serve with a side of gravy.

Add gravy to taste.

When in doubt, add more gravy.......
Chicken fried burgers? Sounds good.

Can't have pics before I do it!;)

I posted this thread in the "planning" stage.

Here is the aftermath.
Man that camera sucks TB!;)

Next time toss me a decent one.

Definitely delicious.

One edit, I put a tbsp or so of essence into the gravy. It was spicy delicious.
CD you're right. My eyes are all hurty after viewing that. Next time I'll toss you a Nikon. Still looks pretty good.

Cheers, TB.
Heh, gave the pic a 1-min run through some Xnview adjustments...


I didn't even try to color-correct, but it's tad better. :)
PhatManDerek said:
Man lay of the sharpening, You gave my rods an overload "by they they're in your main eye"

My rod's in my pants.....

Oooohhhh, like rods and cones! Okay, got it now.

CD, that looks goooooooddddd. :drools on keyboard: Those look like some mighty green french fries thought....
PhatManDerek said:
Man lay of the sharpening, You gave my rods an overload "by they they're in your main eye"
Speaking of laying off... :high:
Lol, green beans my man. Had to have some vitamins in there!

(although the beans were stewed in 1/4 cup or so of bacon grease, a little chicken fat, and lots of salt and pepper!;))

The fries were steak style and disapeared almost immediately.
Pardon my ignorance but i've always wondered why things are called "chicken fried" when theres no chicken involved.
UnNatural said:
Pardon my ignorance but i've always wondered why things are called "chicken fried" when theres no chicken involved.
It's fried like chicken, as in, the style of fried chicken. "Chicken Fried" Steak. Sometimes it's called Country Fried. said:
It's fried like chicken, as in, the style of fried chicken. "Chicken Fried" Steak. Sometimes it's called Country Fried.

I was told in North Carolina(when i lived there) that the difference between 'chicken fried' and 'country fried' was the color of the gravy. I had no clue, being that i'm from New Jersey. Anybody care to confirm or refute this?
Sickmont said:
I was told in North Carolina(when i lived there) that the difference between 'chicken fried' and 'country fried' was the color of the gravy. I had no clue, being that i'm from New Jersey. Anybody care to confirm or refute this?
It's cuz poeple in restaurants thought they were getting chicken and they weren't. That my take ;)
Sickmont said:
I was told in North Carolina(when i lived there) that the difference between 'chicken fried' and 'country fried' was the color of the gravy. I had no clue, being that i'm from New Jersey. Anybody care to confirm or refute this?

There is no country fried. Texas is the source for all 'thangs chicken fried. Chicken fried steak is king! Traditionally served with white cream gravy. Now in Georgia they'll make a feeble attempt at duping the original calling it Country Fried Steak, and serving it with redeye gravy. FAIL! Head to Texas. Right turn at DFW. Order up. Like a whole 'nuther country....

Cheers, TB.