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Uh-oh - one hole per pod

Am I correct, that they look chewed, like they've been grazed on by some bug, not bored to eat the seeds or pierced to suck the juices?
It looks like they were drilled in one side. All in the same spot on about 20 pods of different varieties. I've opened a few up and nothing inside that I can see, and no real damage aside from the pod drying a little near where the hole is.
Yep, I had the same thing this year. I revered to spraying it with an organic pesticid containing neem (spP?) oil. It's from a bug that shoves it larvee into the hole to grow.
imaguitargod said:
Yep, I had the same thing this year. I revered to spraying it with an organic pesticid containing neem (spP?) oil. It's from a bug that shoves it larvee into the hole to grow.

Do you remember what the bug is IGG?

I like to know my enemies well :P
Both the Corn borer and the pepper maggot will burrow into the pepper near the cap of the pepper. Cut open the pepper and see what's inside.
I've opened 10 so far and theres nothing unusual in there unless they're very very small. I picked up some neem oil, will give them all a coating tomorrow.