Unexpected Win!

So. Our county fair is in town and I decided to enter my Butch T's in just for the heck of it. I didn't figure I would win anything. I just thought it would be cool to display them with the rest of the produce. It was my first few ripe ones of the year and they were a little small as it is still early so I didn't figure I would have a chance at winning. Well... I went there last night and walked by my display:

Awesome job bro! You never know till you try right? Were yours the only ones?

Mine were the only Superhots. They didn't have a category for those. Mine was under "Peppers- other". I guess they must have liked them because they were unique or something. They sure stuck out from the rest.
awesome,awesome!!!!! gratz. ive never thought about entering nothing and we are strong 4h,and county fair types of people here.
Awesome dude. Congradulations! I had something similar happen to me with the NY state fair last year. I had entered a beer I made just to get some feedback on it. Ended up winning my catagory. Now yours give me the idea to try and enter some in my county fair if we do that. I will have to check it out.
Hey Dennis nah I don't think I will take them because by that point I am hoping they out grow the doorway like most of the plants already inside, but if I did enter one it would be impossible to decide. What plant or plants are you planning to enter.
Good job! I won a chili cook off at our church in march and did not expect to win. The kids accepted the trophy. So you never know how youll do. So congrats again.Bbetter lookin than my scorps.
Three ripe ones is what they wanted. I asked if anybody wanted to try one. No takers. Probably a smart choice. ;)

Interesting. I thought for sure they were sampled by the judges, whose faces promptly melted, leaving them no choice but to award you first place.

They are good looking peppers, though.