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fermenting Unfermented Hot Sauce

Sorry if this is in the wrong thread. New to the forum so I am trying to find my way around.

I have been making an unfermented hot sauce for my restaurant for about a year now. I took over the kitchen and from there I have tweeked the recipe to my liking and my customers eat it up. I roast all the veggie ingredients and blend them with the picing liquid I use in my pickled jalapeños. There has been a lot of pressure from customers, coworkers, and my boss to start bottling and selling the hot sauce. So far as I can tell it doesn't seem like there are any packaged hot sauces that are not fermented. Can I sell hot sauce that hasn't been fermented in a packaged, shelf stable form?

Again, sorry if this is in the wrong spot, I have searched for a while and haven't found anything about this in the forum.
Welcome to THP!  There are many cooked non fermented sauces around, and they're perfectly shelf stable provided you hit certain pH levels.  Keep poking around and reading/learning.  There's a treasure trove of hot sauce making related info here.  :)