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Uninvited house guests...

Yea... so in the last week I have found 6 bees, some dead some alive, hanging out around my peppers in the basement! Haha. I have no idea how the hell they're getting in. The majority of our basement walls and rim joists are spray foamed shut. It really hasn't been all that warm here in Ohio recently. In fact we just had snow within the last week. It's kind of blowing my mind that the first place I actually see bees this year is in my basement and not outside lol. This is the first year that we've grown peppers from seed indoors so I guess mother nature is complimenting all my hard work by paying my ladies a visit.
Regardless, I'll have to find and plug whatever hole they're using for an entrance and make a trap for the existing ones that have made it in already. Not hating on pollinators or anything, my wife is allergic to bees and possibly my daughter. She hasn't been tested yet to confirm. Can't put the family at risk for some overachievers. They can wait a few more weeks for the plants to go outside.
Yup. Here's one I found last night:
Ye but are they coming into the house or do they have a nest somewhere inside the house?  Have seen honey bees so thick honey literally runs down the wall.  Kind of cool in a Steven King sort of a way, but damned expensive.
It looks like they're getting in through a small little gap in the basement window. There was a pile roughly 15 or so on the window when I got home. They definitely weren't there a few days ago when I checked the window. I vacuumed then up in my bagless vacuum and dumped them outside. I opened up the window to find a few more working their way through the worn out weather stripping. Hopefully that's their only entrance and this thread is over lol.
chocolatescotchbonnet - Ye, i did that indoors this year.  Or should I say they did me indoors this year. Not really sure why they are so damn prolific indoors vs. outdoors but damn it was annoying.
ajdrew said:
chocolatescotchbonnet - Ye, i did that indoors this year.  Or should I say they did me indoors this year. Not really sure why they are so damn prolific indoors vs. outdoors but damn it was annoying.
like your comment but not the fact that you had to deal with them, f them damn things!