Unknown Superhot (was BBS *oops) pod test

Like a champ Peter...I could never get through a pod like that. INSANE.

Great pod Strat...Something to add the the list for powders eventually.
After talking with Andrew I learned that this actually isn't the Black Bhutlah Scorpion. It is an unknown strain that he added to the box, but I mistook it for BBS. I do still have some BBS in the box and will do an new review on one of those. I'll update the video title and description that it's unknown, but if I find out what it is later I'll change it again. Sorry for the mixup folks! 
hogleg said:
From the looks of the pod and your reaction, my guess would be madballz?
Regardless you did an excellent job, well done Peter!!
Thanks hogleg!, Yeah, I don't know it might have been a Madballz or Madballz cross. They do hit pretty hard and fast.
Madballz cross X blutlah maybe. The plant was a late bloomer and only put out 10 pods. Did not think much about them till I saw peters face. I grew the Madballz last year and they were straight not gnarly and curved. Who knows but I do have seeds