Hahahaha!!! Invisible label!!! Too funny...
Like I was telling 3/5, anyone that knows me knows that I am not a huge fan of vinegar. Well, I dont like it to be the main thing you smell/taste when you eat a sauce. I am also a HUGE fan of Skobiyan and how it's sweet, tasty, AND hot as hell. So, I set out to make a sweet sauce that, well, like 3/5 said, was "bursting with flavor." This sauce is one of my best attempts at that.
I wanted to send this sauce out as a trial run to see if it would be worth my time to make a lot of next year. (Unless I happen across a crap ton of pods THIS year.)
I REALLY appreciate the review, 3/5! I couldn't have asked for a better review. I COULD have asked for a more complete one.....LMFAO!!!!!