Were those Grown in Santa Cruz(I think it is-N.Ca,?)
If so they are the same supplier as Vallarta uses most of the time.
There is a pretty big grower up north.
I've hear people say the same grower supplies some stores all over the U.S.
I've heard people in Texas say the pods came from N.Ca. that they get in their stores.
I always get the 3 1/2 inch or larger pods when they have them...I bank at Vallarta when the Dino pods are in.
Well I deposit a LOT of $ there anyway.
$8.00 - $10.00 LB. makes a pod worth 4-5 bucks each a lot of times.
Then every once in a while they have the Hot and Heavies.Almost Hab. hot,fruity as hell and they weigh as much as lead.
I sent Chris a couple of them one time.He found out why I called them Hot and Heavies. LOL