Unwanted Guest

looks like tooth marks on that last big leaf pic.
rodents or birds.
the little tweety birds are do the same thing to my bean leaves unless I cage them.
they prefer the smaller new growth before moving onto the big stuff.
My wife first thought of mice or rats?
Nothing on my cameras but two for two mouse traps set off over night outside.
Maybe I Need a rat trap?
I can't poison because we have a cat.
But no fresh bites on my plants.
Boarider said:
Quick follow up.
I've caught and disposed of three mice so far and it seems like my plants are taking less of a hit.

HELL YEAH get those little bastards!!! I had the same problem you’re having last year funny I use the same city pickers growers you do I thought it was rats and got this stuff


Did the trick whatever it was couldn’t get to my plants here is a pic of the damage

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Yep 3 down and just saw another one.
Cat is no damn use,lol.
Traps are knocking a dent, but I think it's personal with them now.
I did make a compost with fish that still has bones, might be my problem?
Boarider said:
Yep 3 down and just saw another one.
Cat is no damn use,lol.
Traps are knocking a dent, but I think it's personal with them now.
I did make a compost with fish that still has bones, might be my problem?
Probably not.  Many rodents are strictly vegetarians.
We even had some at a place that I worked at once, that would only eat fruit.  No nuts, no veggies.  The more tropical, the better.