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Up and coming pepper garden

Are they easy to grow? They look beautiful. Oh and BTW, I want your dog, you can have mine in a swap, he's pedigree, about a year and a half old, and has a keen interest in chilli plants.
haha my dog is awesome, and fairly smart too which is a plus. he gets really excited very easily tho heh.

the flowers are pretty easy to grow, no real special requirements, i left them in small pots too long and they seem to be doing fine, the ones i planted outside that have flowered are going to seed so hopefully ill get viable seed and i can plant them much earlier next season. if grown properly they can get a few feet tall with a bunch of flowers.

there ya go, hes sleepin on my friends bed so thats the best i can get ha, hes real hard to take pictures of most of the time cause he doesnt like to stay still, especially when he realized youve got a camera then he gets interested and all up in your face haha
He's gorgeous, I know what you mean about taking photos of them, they don't keep still long enough and just want to try and eat your camera. Mine loves socks and underwear, clean or worn, he loves them. I've tried to teach Murphy where the dirty laundry goes, but no, the garden and the front gate is still the fun place to throw my underwear about for all to see.
hahah thats pretty funny. my friends pug loves her underwear. thankfully z doesnt mess with my stuff too much, hes chewed up a few things when i first got him, but i learned quick about leaving him alone. now hes fairly well behanved.
My mini dachshund Achilles LOVES socks. He used to flip the hamper and dig out all my dirty socks and drag them back downstairs to his bed when I was out.

I now have to secure the hamper before leaving him home alone. Aren't dogs great?
but anyway someone correct me if i'm wrong, but the green peppers that are starting to pucker up more i think are the anahiem tmr 23's. i was lookin at the anahiem peppers in the store yesterday and they look just like it but not ripe. im still a little unsure about the rounder green ones but they MIGHT be the biker billy hybids from the seed pack. but then again, there may have been some other seeds mixed in, so who knows?

the hungarian wax peppers are starting to ripen, pictures to come

none of the other ones are ripening but in due time

the new water regimen has seemed to help a lot with flower drop

and i got my seeds for next season in the mail

i got 5 color marble, pumpkin hab, golden nugget
and 2 free packs, long red slim peppers, and big jim peppers