event Updates From The Fiery Foods Show

JayT;170123][QUOTE=DevilDuck said:
There will be a little surprise going on sometime during the show, but I'm not at liberty to divulge any secrets or give any hints.

So what was the surprise?[/QUOTE]
Aritha Franklin's Inaugeration Hat made an appearance!
Well..... I kinda leaked it.

The Travel Channel was there, and Billy Gibbons was rumored to make an appearance.....which didn't happen. Last year it was Ron Jeremy and a bunch of porn girls....which didn't happen, either. Go figure.

Maybe next year I can get Paris Hilton to do a gang bang with CaJohn and The Creator. (Watch... she'll probably show up and I won't get any video.)
DevilDuck said:
Well..... I kinda leaked it.

The Travel Channel was there, and Billy Gibbons was rumored to make an appearance.....which didn't happen. Last year it was Ron Jeremy and a bunch of porn girls....which didn't happen, either. Go figure.

Maybe next year I can get Paris Hilton to do a gang bang with CaJohn and The Creator. (Watch... she'll probably show up and I won't get any video.)

If you bring more guys she might...:rolleyes: