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Upward Leaf Curl

I know there are a million threads on leaf curl, and I have read them, I am getting a little concerned now though.

The pic below is of my Aji Norteno, it was the only one that was curling. Its not so bad as you can see, and I thought since its just that one species no big deal. Over the last few days ive noticed around 10 or so plants of different species starting to curl in the same way, so im guessing its something I may be doing.

All plants are in a West+/Verm/Perlite mix. I predominantly bottom water them by pouring water into the tray they sit in and watch them suck it up. Occasionally I top water or if it rains when they are out.
I didnt fertilise them for around 10 weeks at which point I feed them half strength chilli focus once every 1-2 weeks.
Ive misted the leaves with an epsom salt solution 3 times and included it in watering once.

A pH meter type thing shows the soil (at root level) is around 6.5. I do have a (what i guess to be) more accurate chemical test kit which I have not used.

Any ideas? Its become more of a concern now that it seems to be endemic amongst my plants.
Thanks in advance for any help as always.


Well it deffinately is not the heat then, all my seedlings are currently being kept at around 28-32 degrees Celcius and are growing like wild fire! you have me at a loss mate. hopefully someone else can help you. Might be lacking something somewhere too..... Good luck bro