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chinense USDA Zones.........not the full story ......??

Hi Guy's

Apparently here in UK we're in zones 7 to 9 where I live in Scotland Apparently I'm in zone 7.................. πŸ€”

It always amazes me to see guys in North America and indeed in Canada growing Chinese varieties out doors :shocked: in zone's according much lower than mine ! I'm assuming the "zones" aren't the full story and don't really take into account local micro climate's ?

An uncle who lives 400 miles south often has temperatures 10 oC to 15 oC higher ! He gets fair less wet, damp, cold weather and way more sunshine ! Also I get less daylight in winter dark by 3pm but in summer light to 11pm ..............

I've spoken to lot's of uk growers who say no way you can grow chinense outside in the UK let alone in Scotland ! Yet according to the USDA zones my American and Canadian cousins can grow outside in much lower zone's ? See my confusion πŸ˜• there much be more at play ........?

I've local friends who come from Hungary, Latvia, Poland, who whilst they get colder winter's they get far better summer's, they all say Scotland summer's are rubbish :cry:

I'm going to experiment with 7 varieties of capsicum pubescens outside in pot's this year and also a couple of Ring of fire cayenne out side in pots in the a sunny spot there so early reckon they might be worth a try.

My chinense varieties which I'm new to growing will be firmly staying in my greenhouse this season I'd love to hear growers in similar climates who manage to grow outside...........??

I've local friends who come from Hungary, Latvia, Poland, who whilst they get colder winter's they get far better summer's, they all say Scotland summer's are rubbish :cry:

Your comment about Scottish summers explains a lot of the problems -

I'm growing chinense outdoors in the Netherlands without any major issues (even on open ground)
True, they need a period of hot weather and especially hot nights to have a proper fruit set, but other than that they do just fine. They even outperform a lot of annuums both in production and in ripening on time before fall hits.
I have much more issues here with baccatums and jalapenos for example, they need forever to ripen and in my climate there is no such thing as forever! 😁
I guess you're having a bit more rain where you live, so maybe you can build some construction to shelter them for perpetual rain if necessary.
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I think you should be good with C. chinense inside your greenhouse. From where I am 3 key elements will determine the harvest quality of my chinense.

1- Sowing early, around mid-February. In fact sowing even earlier could be better but with too many plants ( πŸ™„) I struggle to keep the jungle looking good inside during May (watering becomes a pain and oedema is always lurking around) because I'm mostlky working out of town at that time.

2- Better than average weather conditions (sunny and hot with late Fall hard frost). Unfortunately we have no control over this parameter; 2 years ago we had a perfect and very long summer and the harvest was monstruous but last year it was quite the opposite (read pathetic) so we never know.

3- Selecting varieties that ripen faster. Easier said than done but with so many people growing peppers and sharing their experiences through the internet (THP, FB, etc.) it can help a lot with selection. I've found that most varieties that grow over 1.5 meters (5 feet) tall are not for me. Sadly many dark and beautiful crosses are growing lanky and don't perform well here as my season isn't long enough :( Even in 2021 with our perfect summer, the harvest was anemic and very disappointing in most cases...
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USDA zones are more about potential minimum temperatures, and not so much about average day/night temperatures or length of growing season. Two different regions may have the same potential minimum temperature, but have vastly different climates (precipitation, number of frost free days, maximum temps, average temps, cloud cover, and/or day length).

Been looking at your 2022 grow log WOW ! 😍 Just wow ! Lovely onions and garlic too :thumbsup: two crops I also grow and do well in Scotland. A few year's ago I stuck a Legend bush tomato in the ground in my veg plot ......it grew huge ! Much bigger than in my greenhouse it was covered in huge green tomatoes but it ran out of year .......😭 I do have plenty of young plants this year to play with........

I've selected lots of chinense varieties that are potentially early and productive and hopefully compact I've also started earlier so fingers crossed I should learn alot this coming season. I've already noticed my chinense varieties have out grown the pubescens varieties already !!

Re: Scottish summer ......we often joke when we get a couple of sunny days "Did you enjoy summer" 🀣


Been looking at your 2022 grow log WOW ! 😍 Just wow ! Lovely onions and garlic too :thumbsup: two crops I also grow and do well in Scotland. A few year's ago I stuck a Legend bush tomato in the ground in my veg plot ......it grew huge ! Much bigger than in my greenhouse it was covered in huge green tomatoes but it ran out of year .......😭 I do have plenty of young plants this year to play with........

I've selected lots of chinense varieties that are potentially early and productive and hopefully compact I've also started earlier so fingers crossed I should learn alot this coming season. I've already noticed my chinense varieties have out grown the pubescens varieties already !!

Re: Scottish summer ......we often joke when we get a couple of sunny days "Did you enjoy summer" 🀣

Good luck sir and keep us posted as I'm curious to know which C. chinense will mature the earliest and give you the best yields!
A few year's ago I stuck a Legend bush tomato in the ground in my veg plot ......it grew huge ! Much bigger than in my greenhouse it was covered in huge green tomatoes but it ran out of year .......😭

I use a good number of my tomatoes green by choice β€” fried green tomatoes are a treat I look forward to every year. If you think it’s hard to find a good red tomato at a store, try finding them green! πŸ˜‰