pests Using hot peppers/capsaicin mix as pesticide spray

My Google-Fu is usually pretty strong, but I only found vague or incomplete answers.
Is it feasible to use a concoction of hot pepper and water in a spray bottle as a pesticide on pepper plants?  Frankly, mainstream chemical pesticides (honestly, mainstream chemicals of any kind) turn me off because I've seen negative effects directly to the plants applied to but they also ward off GOOD critters like bees.  Would a capsaicin spray made of hot pepper liquid/oils have a similar effect?  I have read about this being used as both an insect as well as an animal repellent.
I don't have any bug problems at the moment, this is more of a curiosity.  Could something like this be homemade and used as a foliar spray as needed?
there are lots of DIY bug spray recipes and most are just steeping cayenne in water, then drain off the water and spray.
From some recent JayT-ing, it seems that, as cruzzfish said, pepper spray will have an effect on animals because of the capsaicin.  Insect need some kind of wax element in the spray to coat and suffocate them.  Hence, the commercially availabe Hot Pepper Wax Repellant. 
I've been playing around with some capsaicin repellants and just sent out about 10 prototypes, of an oil-based capsaicin, Ivory dish soap and water concentrate.  I was also contacted by a commercial hydroponic grower in Colorado needing something stronger than the other available stuff for mice and bear repellant in their grow facility.  Through previous calculations, I figured the HPW was about 180 SHU.  The Ready-To-Use spray contains .00001125% capsaicinoids.  The HPW concentrate is .00018% capsaicin.  that's like...a bell pepper!  How is that going to repel anything?  So I made a concentration that was about .78% capsaicinoids for the CO guy.  4000x hotter that the other stuff.  I just sent it out to him a couple days ago, so we'll see.
Also, the other people just got their prototypes, haven't heard anything back.  Their concentration is a bit more than the HPW, and maybe should be stronger.  But hopefully that's what we'll be able to figure out through trial and error. 
miguelovic said:
Cashing in on the Green Rush? :D
in more ways than one....:lol:  Already did electrical work on 3 new operations.  ;)
I couldn't figure out why this guy wanted such a strong spray until I made the connection between bears and Colorado~  :lol:
Actually, for the pepper spray, (It's posted in the original prototype thread) I took posession of a capsaicin product with the hopes I could find something to do with it.  I didn't go looking for the capsaicin, just kind of ended up with it.  Only things I could think of to try was hand cream and pest spray.  :shrug:  We'll see if anythign works~
For the Colorado dude, I was thinking to add mint EO but forgot to pick it up in town.  And then today I thought about black pepper.  I've seen that in some Sprinkle-around-the-yard keep the dogs out stuff.   
BigB, did it work?  I'm kind of working on a variation of that, and maybe adding Neem would help.  The capsaicin is in a food grade glycerol mono oleate.  I'm hoping it will act like oil or wax and do the suffocation thing.  People have been getting their bottle, should be hearing some results in a week or two.