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Ut oh Chilly Buying streak :)

I know they're exactly not chiles but they will house the chiles :)

I'm now stocked to the teeth with chiles in my pantry :)

Only new chile I purchased was the malato.
ExtremeBurn said:
You're inspiring me to start cooking more often! lol We go out to eat like every night... gets expensive!
You're going to save a lot of money if you cook at home!

Yeah I know I've actually store bought these tortilla shells but these were the same ones they were making fresh in the store the other day!

Oh yeah, Eb I forgot to tell you and everyone I'll be picking up 2 ounces of Habenero spice Friday for my pies and what not!
It's really easy to make tortillas and they're a lot hetter than you will but in the store. Same difference with fresh bread, it's lots better than stuff in a pouch. These have pasilla in the masa.

I forgot to tell you guys this, When I went in there I said Hola and we beien and he said Hola and we talked in Spanish for a minute or 2 until he started using Spanish words I've never heard before and we talking about learning Spanish at college and he said it was a good idea. And at the very end he called me an Honorary Gringo.

Is that bad or good?
Honorary = good
Gringo = White Guy

Sounds like you got props for the Spanish, but he's not gonna introduce you to his daughter or anything:)
FiveStar said:
Honorary = good
Gringo = White Guy

Sounds like you got props for the Spanish, but he's not gonna introduce you to his daughter or anything:)
Not yet any how maybe when I become a regular customer :)
First find masa....it is just corn slaked in lime water, but it's what you want. Quaker makes it, Maseca , makes it. I use yellow masa because I like it better.

For 4 tortillas or scale it up:

1/3-1/2 cup of water
1 teaspoon lard
1/2 pasilla, ground in molcajete
1/3 cup masa
salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the water and melt the lard in it. When boiling, mix with masa and pasilla using a fork. Remove from bowl and knead with hands until homogeneous.

Form four balls of masa and put one in tortilla press. Flatten and cook. Comal should be pretty hot and it takes 30 sec or less per side for cooking. Flip only once.

Molcajete is just a mortar and pestle made from volcanic rock and it is very rough.....indispensable in Mexican cooking.

willard3 said:
First find masa....it is just corn slaked in lime water, but it's what you want. Quaker makes it, Maseca , makes it. I use yellow masa because I like it better.

For 4 tortillas or scale it up:

1/3-1/2 cup of water
1 teaspoon lard
1/2 pasilla, ground in molcajete
1/3 cup masa
salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the water and melt the lard in it. When boiling, mix with masa and pasilla using a fork. Remove from bowl and knead with hands until homogeneous.

Form four balls of masa and put one in tortilla press. Flatten and cook. Comal should be pretty hot and it takes 30 sec or less per side for cooking. Flip only once.

Molcajete is just a mortar and pestle made from volcanic rock and it is very rough.....indispensable in Mexican cooking.

How much does a morter cost roughly?
Pam said:
It depends on what you want. A quick and by no means extensive google for an authentic molcajete turns up prices from $32 to $295.



Regular mortar and pestle sets can probably be bought locally for $10 and up.

Oh, and a good read

Thank you very much Pam, I'll go ahead and read it in a little while.

By the way I've tried the 2 habs deseeded and 1 red pepper puree for my salsa and it WAS DANG GOOD, I mean VERY VERY GOOD! but DAMN HOT! My tong is still tingling and mouth is still hot :)