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uuuggghhh .......... tell me what I already know.

Hey everyone,

So heres my indoor garden. I have a caribbean red, a chocolate bhut, a yellow bhut, a butch T trinidad, and a yellow fatalli... as well as a tomato and basil plant and a few misc. plants in here under a 600w digi.

These plants have been indoors since seed.

As you can see, the caribbean red is doing great, a couple of the others are starting to produce pods too and the tomato plant is just starting to put out some fruit as well.

Heres the problem, Im laying in there on the ground doing some cleaning and I look up and see this on the underside of the leaves.

Looks like signs of pests to me!!! Which pretty much means I need to scrap the entire damn thing. In my experience trying all the usually remedies doesnt work worth a damn. Scraping all the plants, bombing the room, and restarting from seed has been the only thing ever to prove foolproof.

However, Im telling you I looked LONG and HARD and I cant find a single aphid, whitefly, or anything even close to an actual living insect in that canopy.

I do have a worm bin close by and I sometimes see these white things crawling in there when Ive fed it heavily. These things arent moving though, they are stationary and looked dried out. Like maybe old larvae or eggs or something? Or is it not anything to do with pests. Wishfull thinking I know but I figured Ild ask before I start CHOPPING.

Im screwed arent I?? Can anyone I.D. what this is on the underside of the leaves??


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Edema?? I have no idea what that is, can you give me some info or enlighten me a bit?? Thanks!
Yeah, you can't brush it off right? Is the tent usually up? Could be overwatering, could be too humid with not enough air flow.
(Looks like signs of pests to me!!! Which pretty much means I need to scrap the entire damn thing. In my experience trying all the usually remedies doesnt work worth a damn. Scraping all the plants, bombing the room, and restarting from seed has been the only thing ever to prove foolproof.)

i had aphids on my hydro pepper and i spent money on bottle after bottle of spray to kill them i mixed homemade remidies thought i would have to scratch it and start over . then i bought some ladybugs built a box to go around my plant wow in a week they where all gone and the plant was thriving again so before u scrape the awsome looking plants buy some bugs they r cheap and easy to use release,water and walk away.
Correct, it wont brush off really. Its definately not to humid lol ... Im in arizona, Im up in the mountains, but in AZ none the less and the humidity is LOW here. Maybe it could be too much water I guess... probably so but it seems like some times I wait to water and the plants start to go limp. I have a fan blowing over them for 12 hours a day but it is indoors in the corner so underneath the canopy may not be getting much.

Ill try to cut back on the watering and see if that makes a difference. So I dont need to worry about it spreading to my houseplants or other plants in the room then? The tomato plant doesnt seem to be affected at all.

From the quick little bit of googling Ive been doing it does seem to be Edema. Ive had pests before and I cant find a single living insect in there anywhere so I tend to think the Edema suggestion is right. Although why Im getting it Im not sure... I guess I must be overwatering!???
If you can't brush it off, I don't think it's pests. If it's edema, it looks like it may already be clearing up. Just continue to only water as needed. :)
Yeah, you can't brush it off right? Is the tent usually up? Could be overwatering, could be too humid with not enough air flow.

+1 to muskymojo...looks to be edema. Back off on the watering and plus up on the airflow. Should clear up. You may lost some of the leaves with the worst of it, but once you get your water/humidity fixed it will go away.

Good Luck!
Thanks guys. Definately will NOT brush off. I placed a smaller fan blowing underneath the canopy... that should help. Also Ill back off on the watering. I really appreciate it I about sh*t myself thinking I had a huge infestation of some kind. I was about ready to start chopping everything lol.

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I would pluck off a couple of the worst leaves and look at them with a magnifying glass just to be sure though. They look like nice healthy plants.
Glad you checked with us first!!! Glad its all cleared up now! A watering tip is to get a feel for how heavy your pot is before and after you water it! There should be a big difference in weight! I also have a soil Ph meter that measures moisture too, that I got for $15. So sometimes I use both to help me figure out when to water, which is usually once a week, aside from that minor problem your plants look great! and those few changes should make a difference!
looks like I am attempting a thread hijack here...please forgive me...

Thanks for the link. Just ordered one. Will come in handy and for under $10? Couldn't argue

no problem....I have been using one since 1978 when I had Botany at Auburn...you had to have one to identify the tiny characteristics of the plant in order to identify family/genus/species...

funny story...and I may have told it before, I just don't remember...

in the summer of 78', I had Systematic Botany at Auburn University...was a hot and sweltry summer...we had a visiting professor from Vanderbilt by the name of Dr. Kral...best prof I have ever had...he was tough but he told you up front that he didn't cut anyone any slack...he took us on several "collecting" field trips...Okefenokee Swamp, Amelia Island, Mobile Bay (I was right at home there), and to a little state park in north Alabama, don't remember the name, plus weekly trips to the woods around Auburn...

Anyway, we went to North Alabama late in the quarter and everybody in the class, all 24 of us, including Dr. Kral, had developed a rather good "beer drinking" relationship...the trip was Friday & Saturday all day and come back Sunday afternoon...we left on a Thursday.....Saturday morning...Dr. Kral came up to me ( I was an older student at 29) and asked me if I had some money he could borrow...surprized the shit out of me...I said I got a little Doc', how much you need...he said about $40...that he had already drank the 36 beers he brought with him and needed more for Sat night and Sun morning...yup...the Doc' was a true beer drinker...I only had an extra $20 and took up donations from the others to get the rest...gave it to him...he went to the store bought 3 cases and got the rest in gas...beer and gas were cheap at that time....he tried to pay each one of us back but no one I don't think let him...I said call it an early BD gift...son of a bitch still gave me a "C"...

now that all these years have gone by, 25 some odd, I found out he was a professor emeritus doing some research at the herbarium in Fort Worth...had coffee with him and that was about 5 or 6 years ago...and would you believe, the coffee turned into beer?

He is over 90 now and I hope to see him this spring....
Yes it is over watering. Dont just let them dry, let them dry untill they wilt!!!!!!!! It is good to clean under and around those pots with bleach too. Indoor, cleaning chemicals are your friend.