Alright folks, heres the deal: Went to valley view, absolutely huge place. The biggest nursery I've ever been too. I felt too weird walking around in there taking pictures, specially considering I was about oh... 20-30 years younger then the majority of the people. They even had quite a few REAL police officers patrolling the grounds, it was unbelievable. I guess with the size of the place they have problems with people stealing? Not quite sure. Anyways, I picked up 6 plants. I got 3 Trinidad Scorpions, 1 Red Trinidad, 1 Yellow Trinidad and 1 Chocolate Congo Trinidad. I know the info on the scorps, but the red, yellow and chocolate arent as familiar. They all appeared to be the habanero type to me, if anyone has grown any of these or has any more information on them let me know for sure, thanks!
Atleast I'll get some fresh pods this season now, very excited!