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Varmint Pepper Squatter

My Thai peppers have been coming off pretty regularly but when I went out to see what was ready for pickin' this morning I found this guy squirming his way out of one of the peppers. Any idea to what kinda varmint he is? Looks to me like a small caterpillar or inch worm. Wondering if I should take the normal approach to varmints and :flamethrower:

Apologies for photo quality... (iphone focus range kinda sucks)
It almost looks like a grub of some sort, I get them, i try to move them to a different part of the yard, so when they came back i put them on the ground and squashed them like a grape. Felt bad but they kept eatting my leaves and they were about as longa s my middle finger.

Looks close to a WILLOW GRUBS but hard to tell in teh small picture.
Haha, I ended up taking the pepper to work with me so I could excavate the bugger from the pepper and get a closer look. So he's about 45 miles away from where he started at this morning. Good luck trying to spread his filth to other peppers on my plant now!!
Ok, so when I got home I thought I'd check to see if this varmint had any friends hanging around. Well, low and behold there was one, on the other Thai plant. This time I got a better camera to get a photo.

Any idea on what this thing is/could be? From what I can tell it bores into the hull of the pod after it has reached this stage of growth. Not that I'm any sort of expert by any means, just observing what I think it's doing based on looking on other peppers it has visited and not impregnated yet.
You now, if take it put in a jar and take it your local nursery or hydro show they should be able to hlep you big time. Its a grub of some time is taht best of i can do.