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Vato's 2010 season

Are you going to grow in containers or inground or some in both? One good thing about the containers is you could move them inside if the weather goes bad.

Good luck and I hope you have a great season!
another update, and this one comes a little late, as i already have some sproutage going on.

a couple weeks ago i started the next round of pepper plants, both sweet and hot, including c. annuums, c. baccattum, c. pubescens, and a couple more last minute c. chinense. an order from CPI just came in today, so i put them in the germinator too.

heres the list:

sweet peppers

tequila sunrise
antohi romanian
giant aconcagua
purple, red, and yellow marconi
red and yellow corno di toro
tequila hybrid bell
super heavyweight hybrid
chocolate beauty hybrid
costa rica sweet
sweet chocolate


jalapeno m
jalorado (purple jalapeno, thats just what i call it; jalapeno+morado(spanish word for purple)=jalorado)
greek pepperoncini
big jim
numex sunrise, sunset, eclipse
guero (santa fe grande)
big jim heritage
costeno amarillo
maya red habanero


aji limon
aji cristal
lemon drop
turbo pube
trinidad scorpion (thanks alabamajack)
red savina

also started a bunch more gold bullets and some more seeds from that big habanero.

i also have seeds for chile cubano on there way over from europe, thanks to some help from a random friend in the netherlands. i hope to be starting some of those when they arrive. they are coming with seeds for habanero cappucino, burkina yellow, and laranjada grande, a large, white habanero. the only problem is, its still gonna be awhile before these can go outside. and the ones that have sprouted just keep gettin bigger. i think they may need to be repotted, im not sure though. as soon as i can find my camera ill put some pictures on here and get your opinions on that.

in the meantime, i need to find more pots for when they get big enough to go outside. and then, i gotta figure out where im gonna put them :shocked:
Nice list of peppers. Nice to see the list of sweet and medium heats, that's something I want to start on as soon as I can figure out which of the hot/superhots I want to stick with.
ok so heres some pictures.

should these biggest ones be repotted into a bigger pot yet or should they get some more time in these ones? (they are in 2 inch pots right now)

heres a closeup of some of them. pimenta de neyde, big hab, gold bullet, yellow hab, peach hab all in this picture

a few more

my weakest seedlings. several varieties among them, some i dont think will make it to spring but im holding out hope for the rest.

the middle-strength seedlings. not as big as the strongest ones but theyre moving along alright

a closeup of a couple of them

new sprouts in one of the germination trays

first trinidad scorpion poppin its head up out of the peat. big thanks to alabamajack for the seeds

some sweet and hot pepper sprouts

the setup under the lights

and a technical question for everyone....how do you all get your pictures to show up so big?
picture time again, this time with my awesome new camera.

habanero cappucino sprouts. went to a lot of trouble to get these seeds along with those for chile cubano. they were from a company in germany called ethno-botanik.com. unfortunately they dont ship to the u.s., so i had to make use of some people i know in holland to get them to me. it all worked out in the end and here they are now.

chile cubano sprout

trinidad scorpion sprout. really excited about this one. i have no idea what ill do with the pods but itll be fun to grow anyway

bhut jolokia plant. doing really good now and looking much healthier than its little brothers that are still in the 2 inch pots
lemon yellow habanero

gold bullet

peach habanero

i thought i had took some pictures of the 'big habanero' plants but cant find it for some reason...

anyway, thats how things are lookin out here in utah....where we just got another blanket of snow.
been awhile since i posted any updates here....peppers have come a long way in the past couple of months but the weather has been so wishy washy the past couple weeks there aint a chance of gettin them outside the safety of the greenhouse. heres a bunch of pics. i dont know how to make them big but if you click on them it will take you to photobucket and you can zoom in on em there.


thats about all for now. most of these will be staying in pots, albeit much larger ones once the weather gets consistently warm. good luck everybody