vegatative growth issues?

anyone know why a seedling is barley growing any height at all and is growing beyond slow it's an unknown strain that I recieved from a friend that doesn't know as well I harvested alot of these seeds from healthy pods he gave me. the baby is about 2 maybe 3 weeks old being and it's only on it's on to its 1st set of true leafs and isnt even an inch tall. soil has good drainage so I know the roots arent having a hard time spreading out.

edit:the leafs are rather small too and barley have much size.
I cant currently take any pictures. my phone broke yesterday and had to switch back to my old one with a shattered camera lenses. but I can give details. I currently have it in a clean KFC cup as a cell, I'm using 150 watt LEDs. I try to keep them anywhere from 2-4 inches. currently at 2 inches but it hasn't made any difference over the past week. its healthy looking. zero pests. no signs of illness
Are you growing other peppers or just this one variety? just wondering if you have other plants to compare it to? peppers are generally slow growers at first. it's not unusual to have a 2 week old plant that only has cotyledons and a 1 pair of tiny leaves.
 need more info about the soil. you're using seed starter mix? does the mix have any nutrients?
I currently do not. I'm awaiting for my orange scorpions to germinate at the moment. I had a bell pepper growing growing 4 months back til my cat killed it. so I made my own grow box. but yes I'm using seed starter mix. and it has plenty of nutes. I'm having a guess that it may be lacking nitrogen though. I'm just not sure.