food Veggie Stir-Fry


Yeah, I normally post artery-clogging things, but I eat more than that..really!

I quicky stir-fry w/ cabbage, quartered brussel sprouts, red pepper, onions, and baby portobello mushrooms.

Also added tofu marinated in soy sauce, sriracha, garlic, and pickled ginger.

Used a splurt of EVOO, and a dash each of hoisin, seseme oil, balsamic vinegar, S&P, lots of Hab Flakes and lots of sambal olek to cook it in.

Came out pretty tasty. :)


Brussels sprouts are awesome. I like them roasted. Looks tasty.
Thanks! The leftovers will be nice with some meaty bits too. :D

Wish I'd had real asian black vinegar, but the balsamic was ok.
QuadShotz said:
Thanks! The leftovers will be nice with some meaty bits too. :D

Wish I'd had real asian black vinegar, but the balsamic was ok.

Looks great! Ok, I'm goin to whip up a stir fry now lol
Well look at this.....You DO make other things than the stuff I can't eat at the moment....:lol:

Looks good and sounds very tasty.....I'm hungry now and it's still an hour till lunch and all I have is a banana and a apple...:(

But i've also lost 3 kilos on average in the last 3 weeks....

You know I can honestly say I have never tried brussel sprouts...:think:
moyboy said:
You know I can honestly say I have never tried brussel sprouts...:think:

Think of a cabbage the size of a golf ball, and that's about it. Has a more buttery flavor though than regular cabbage.
QuadShotz said:
Think of a cabbage the size of a golf ball, and that's about it. Has a more buttery flavor though than regular cabbage.

I'll most likely be trying them in the next stirfry
Hey MoyBoy i cant believe you have never tried brussel sprouts! Normally parents from our vintage tried to ram them down our throats.

As a kid i never liked them but know i love em. Quick blanching then put a little butter or marg and some salt on them, yummo!

Great job you have done there Quad, great piccies too.
Sickmont said:
Yeah, thats how i least until i can finally get myself a decent wok

I do own a wok, but it's a huge ex-restaurant one and doesn't get used much. Mostly I just use a 9.5" or 12" skillet.

Novacastrian said:
Hey MoyBoy i cant believe you have never tried brussel sprouts! Normally parents from our vintage tried to ram them down our throats.

As a kid i never liked them but know i love em. Quick blanching then put a little butter or marg and some salt on them, yummo!

Great job you have done there Quad, great piccies too.

Thanks mate!

I'm getting used to using the tripod now, and it really does help.

Yea, folks shoved every veggie there is at me when I was young. I hated califlower, brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc.

Now I love 'em...still hate castor oil though...
Novacastrian said:
Hey MoyBoy i cant believe you have never tried brussel sprouts! Normally parents from our vintage tried to ram them down our throats.

As a kid i never liked them but know i love em. Quick blanching then put a little butter or marg and some salt on them, yummo!

Great job you have done there Quad, great piccies too.

My mother hates brussel sprouts and since she did most of the cooking, we were never told we had to eat them.....
If you want a killer soup, make a Brussels sprout soup. Cut them in half and roast them in a pan with olive oil, sea salt, and garlic cloves. When they are done roasting, puree it all (yes, all... everything from the pan) in a blender with half and half until a medium/thin consistency, then simmer on the stove until it thickens up (don't scald it). Salt and white pepper to taste. A flavor profile you can add to kick this up is bacon. Enjoy!