Veterans Month Membership Special and Giving Back

Tomorrow is Veterans Dan if you'd like to help this cause be sure to go EXTREME by tomorrow! Thanks for helping out.
salsalady said:
Also, since I'm broke and feeling generous, if you know of a member that would appreciate  an Extreme membership (maybe a service person?) I'd sponsor one additional membership.
I choose Pr0digal_son, a selfless member that helps others and sends peppers with no expectation of reciprocation. He is now Extreme, and salsalady, I will not be billing you, the kind gesture is enough, but I will be adding the 50% value to the donations! Thank you for being you SL, and welcome to Extreme pr0d!
AND!!!!!! (you thought that was all? drumroll please...)
MikeUSMC said:
You've done a TON of cool shit on this forum, Boss, but this one is WAAAAAY up there on the 'Awesome List!' I'm not a "Vet in need" or anything like that, but I love seeing people step up to take care of the Men and Women who really need and deserve our support. This really hits home for me, and I can't say Thank You enough for hosting a promotion like this. Good on you, Boss!
Semper Fi
I choose Mike. As the final post before donating I am renewing your membership and donating the 50% value as well. A great member that helps and sends to others and asks nothing in return. Thanks for your service Mike!
Alright thanks all!
Net sales amount: $458.28
50% = $229.14
+$17.50 - Pr0d's value
+$17.50 - Mike's value
= $264.14
Rounded up for good measure (my personal donation of $35.86, essentially a membership value) = 
TOTAL $300  :woohoo:



The Hot Pepper said:
AND!!!!!! (you thought that was all? drumroll please...)
I choose Mike. As the final post before donating I am renewing your membership and donating the 50% value as well. A great member that helps and sends to others and asks nothing in return. Thanks for your service Mike!
Alright thanks all!
Wow! That was totally unexpected and definitely not necessary at all! Thank you VERY much, Boss, and another big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this promotion! You guys and gals ROCK! :metal:

And since I hate getting something for nothing, I just made a personal $50 donation to Operation Homefront. Thanks again to everyone who's supported this wonderful organization. It's such a great cause, and I guarantee that the Veterans receiving this much needed help are eternally grateful.




Thanks again, everyone! And thanks again for running this promotion, Boss!

Semper Fi,
I'm also glad I could help bring awareness to this charity! It's hard to find honorable ones these days, and you want to know, your money is actually getting to people. :cheers:
Thank you salsalady for donating to Operation Homefront separately as well, class act right there! :clap:
Everyone rocks!