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Visit to Cajohn's and my Black Mamba experience

I live about 15 minutes from Cajohn's and I decided to visit so I could pick up the hottest sauce they had, Black Mamba. First off.. they are extremely nice people. As soon as I walked in, they were sampling sauces with tortilla chips. I asked for the hottest stuff available and they obliged. I sampled a dime size of Z, Lethal ingestion, Black Mamba, and some new stuff that they didn't have a name for yet. I have to say that Sue was extremely impressed that I wasn't phased by anything that I sampled and that I didn't need a glass of water. Anyway, they gave me a tour of the facility (kitchen, bottling room, hot wax room, etc...) I was very impressed with them. Very nice people. Now..on to Black Mamba. I took this straight to the local sports bar where we eat wings every Monday. We each order 15-20 wings with regular hot sauce, then we each get an extra 1/4 cup (3/4" high x 2" across) of the hot sauce so we can add our own heat(Demon Ichor, Final Answer, and now..Black Mamba). Usually we each add 6-8 drops (pencil eraser diameter) of Demon Ichor (2 mill) to the 1/4 cup and we're done. We agreed that for the same heat it took 15-17 drops of Black Mamba in the 1/4 cup AND 1 smaller drop (O
Hmmm....thats odd. The bottle of Mamba i got was way way waaaaaay hotter than 750k....it made my bottle of Jersey Death seem like Frank's compared to it. Did you shake it up really good?
Sickmont said:
Hmmm....thats odd. The bottle of Mamba i got was way way waaaaaay hotter than 750k....it made my bottle of Jersey Death seem like Frank's compared to it. Did you shake it up really good?
Sauce ranking is BS. :rolleyes:
Sickmont said:
Hmmm....thats odd. The bottle of Mamba i got was way way waaaaaay hotter than 750k....it made my bottle of Jersey Death seem like Frank's compared to it. Did you shake it up really good?

Yea, we shook it for about 3 minutes. now, the only reason I'm guessing 750K range is because Demon Ichor says 2 million and it took over 2x as much more Mamba product to get the same heat. Another heat test we do is put our index finger over the bottle and turn it over so we get a round glob on the tip of our finger. With Demon Ichor, it stings like a mouth full of bees, Black Mamba has heat but it just doesn't sting to the same level. And we aren't tasting both products on the same day so Mamba wasn't effected by the heat of Ichor and vice versa. I'm not saying Mamba is weak, its hot, but it just doesn't have the same heat as Ichor. Why should it.. Ichor is an extract, Mamba is an extract/sauce combo.

yes I agree, I don't fully believe in SHU units but I know the Ichor was way hotter and it is "rated" at 2mill. If Mamba is 2 mill, then someone needs to tell the Ichor people to up their rating.

Sickmont, Jersey Death was kind of weak for me. I gave the bottle away. Have you ever tried Demon Ichor? If not, try it and let me know what you think. Its the hottest I've ever had so far... I'm always looking for more, I just don't want to pay big bucks. I saw The Source on Ebay for $59
shawntmartin said:
Sickmont, Jersey Death was kind of weak for me. I gave the bottle away. Have you ever tried Demon Ichor? If not, try it and let me know what you think. Its the hottest I've ever had so far... I'm always looking for more, I just don't want to pay big bucks. I saw The Source on Ebay for $59

I usually use JD just to spike up some BBQ stuff occasionally, not for straight consumption(i'm not too thrilled with the taste of extracts....except, of course for Defcon 1...yum!). As for Demon, no i haven't tried it yet but im always willing to swallow lava(so to speak). I'll have to give it a try and see what it's like.
I'm always looking for more, I just don't want to pay big bucks. I saw The Source on Ebay for $59[/QUOTE]

I bought it and tried it. Don't waste your money, just light a blow torch and heat up some tar. Spoon up the tar and put it in your mouth. Then take the torch at apply directly to the tar stuck on your tongue. Something like that. No taste, just burn.
This is like when I go to the weightlifting forums....

"Give me the weight you bench and I will curl it..."
You visit weightlifting forums? Lift as much weight as you can to barely do 8-10 reps. Squeeze & hold the muscle at the end of each pump. Repeat 3-5 times. Do 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per body weight and 5 grams of creatine (if you wish)each day. Wait 5 days or so to heal that specific muscle. Repeat. Been lifting for 20 years.... There...no need for a forum.

Anyway... I'm not trying to be a bad a$$ with heat... me and my friends just enjoy getting hotter and hotter on our wings until we can't stand it. No big deal... we are not trying to prove anything....as your post implies. :rolleyes:
Sounds like fun and all, but I'd rather taste a real pepper at close to 1M than extract at any level.

FWIW, I hear good thngs about Mamba, nothing about Ichor. It's cheep extract I'm afraid.

If you want pure extract in the millions, I can tell ya where to get it. Won't taste like anything but pain.

Mey, I like to cook..and thus, I like flavor too.

Eat a Naga Morich. It's got tons of flavor before the heat burns your face off....for the next 15 minutes. :)
You guesstimate the DM MKII at way over 250,000. Which *on paper* doesn't sound as hot as the Mad Dog 5 million extract. But we all know that *on paper* doesn't mean a whole lot.

Oh decisions, decisions.
As I've stated numerous times on various threads, I don't put all my trust in the Scoville scale. Many different peppers affect many different people in many different ways. To me the naga is hot, but not as hot as a fatalli, in my opinion. Don't get caught up in the Scoville trap. The DM MKII is freakin' hot, as many will attest to around here. However, unlike many of the super extracts out there, the DM MKII actually has a flavor, and mixes very well with a lot of different sauces (wing, BBQ, etc). I suggest using it as an additive to other products.
DEFCON Creator said:
I don't put all my trust in the Scoville scale. Many different peppers affect many different people in many different ways.

Thats what I meant when I said "*on paper* doesn't mean a whole lot."
shawntmartin said:
You visit weightlifting forums? Lift as much weight as you can to barely do 8-10 reps. Squeeze & hold the muscle at the end of each pump. Repeat 3-5 times. Do 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per body weight and 5 grams of creatine (if you wish)each day. Wait 5 days or so to heal that specific muscle. Repeat. Been lifting for 20 years.... There...no need for a forum.

Anyway... I'm not trying to be a bad a$$ with heat... me and my friends just enjoy getting hotter and hotter on our wings until we can't stand it. No big deal... we are not trying to prove anything....as your post implies. :rolleyes:

Been lifting longer than that sunshine .. but like I said ... you go there and there is always someone that comes off just as you.. and if you've been lifting then you have seen'em and you know what Im talking about.... wont change my mind :rolleyes:
Been lifting longer than that sunshine .. but like I said ... you go there and there is always someone that comes off just as you.. and if you've been lifting then you have seen'em and you know what Im talking about.... wont change my mind :rolleyes:

Seriously? You think you know the kind of person I am because I'm trying to find the hottest sauce I can get in my price range? You think thats arrogant? You think I'm "coming off" as a tough guy for that? Seriously? My 1 yr old baby and I met "Cajohn" himself and I asked him for the hottest stuff he had. He surely didn't treat me like he thought I was arrogant. Heck.. he gave me a tour. Ask him if I'm arrogant. I think you got it wrong, bud.
I explained that I'm not trying to be some bad a$$ that can handle anything. I ask the questions because I want to find something as hot as absolutely possible... not because I think I'm a tough guy, but because if its hot enough (Ichor, for instance) then I'm only going to use a few drops. A few drops is enough product to cause EXTREME heat but not enough product to change the BBQ flavor of the wing. Take Dave's Insanity for instance..not too EXTREME. So to get the heat level I enjoy it takes so much product that Dave's overpowers the BBQ...and it's ruined. Thats why I ask for the hottest there is at my budget level. So there is actually a good reason behind wanting something as hot as possible. And let me enlighten you on something. There has always been a hint of attitude in your replys to my posts. So maybe you should rethink things before you go accusing other people of being arrogant. If I wanted to be some tough guy... I surely wouldn't think doing it on a hot sauce forum would be the way to go about it. Keep in mind.. you come to my threads and post with attitude. I don't come to yours and post *anything*. So who is the guy trying to be tough? My last two replys to you have been sarcastic only because I'm tired of hearing the attitude in your replys to my posts. Why don't we do each other a favor.. you don't reply to anything I post from now on.. and Ill do the same. You have a 37 yr old man arguing like a school kid. Rediculous.