Volunteer peppers are out of control but have taught me a lot

My Hybrids, that I also grew last year under my Sweet Acacia tree are coming up all over the yard due to birds spreading the seeds.  Very prolific plants for sure.
A few weeks ago I sprayed a pre-emergent down once enough wild flowers were above ground in order to eliminate the constant weeding we must do here in hell this time of year.  I also hit the planter under the Acacia because I only wanted my new hybrid starts to have it all to themselves.  I also amended the soil around the Acacia with 4" of compost from my pile and applied pre-emergent to it.  After watering it all in I've no new growth from seeds anywhere in the yard with the exception of these damn peppers everywhere.  The ones in my gravel landscaping I'll let go and see what they do but the ones under the Acacia have germinated after two hits of pre-emergent and 4 inches of compost covering them.  No helmet heads on any after pushing up through 4 plus inches soil and I have about 650 sq ft of yard with a rough average of 30 new starts per sq ft.  This pic is under the Acacia and about 1 sq ft.  I'm pulling them daily and they keep sprouting. 
The questions this "problem" brings up to me at least...
Why do we all start them so shallow under the perfect heat and humidity then take care to trim their tiny helmets off and slowly acclimate them to the conditions they will hopefully grow in?
Why doesn't the pre- emergent work on them after two dosing's when it worked on all other seeds?
Nuclieye said:
The questions this "problem" brings up to me at least...
Why do we all start them so shallow under the perfect heat and humidity then take care to trim their tiny helmets off and slowly acclimate them to the conditions they will hopefully grow in?
Why doesn't the pre- emergent work on them after two dosing's when it worked on all other seeds?
Maybe you've got some of those "Roundup Ready" GMO seeds...
Nuclieye said:
The questions this "problem" brings up to me at least...
Why do we all start them so shallow under the perfect heat and humidity then take care to trim their tiny helmets off and slowly acclimate them to the conditions they will hopefully grow in?
Why doesn't the pre- emergent work on them after two dosing's when it worked on all other seeds?
What is the percentage that don't sprout? We don't know
Powelly said:
What is the percentage that don't sprout? We don't know
Indeed. You think of all the seeds from all the pods from all the plants, and you've got a heck of a lot of seeds. But do a heck of a lot of seeds pop up? Lots, but not a huge amount. And, if you leave them, they don't do too well. Hence why assisted growth is assisted, and not hindered.