contest VOTE! One Pot Meal Throwdown

Best One Pot Meal?

  • Tinnie - [url=""

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  • keybrdkid - [url="

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  • JayT - [url=""]S

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The Hot Pepper

Vote for the BEST ONE POT MEAL, the one that YOU would recreate on a cold wintery day!
i also need to think about this.

well done everyone! yall just be glad i didnt enter ;)   only reason i didnt is because pookie would change my pics and D.Q. me :rofl:
With all the ice on the roads I haven't been able to make it out of the driveway for the last 4 days let alone shop for ingredients to do this throwdown.
Normally I'd go full hard on for the seafood one potters posted but I just wasn't feelin' it.
The one that grabbed me was Sum's Boliche.
A stuffed meat bowling ball.
Piehole me!
In the Andes mountains they make a variety of spicy soups and stews with quinoa (and some varieties have beef and potatoes). I also love hearty stews with wine or beer. Husker hit those South American notes, while staying true to American comfort flavors.
I'm glad they were out of barley and you used quinoa. It really makes it into a meal, more original than rice, and barley... eh, not as good as quinoa, and too large and starchy since you have taters in there. Here's the Andean dish similar to what you made... just in case you didn't know about it... it's kinda weird how you came close to that. Also why I dig it. You made good choices here, as a cook. Your flavors all meld and complement each other.
LOVE all the fresh, not frozen, veg! And the herbs used. Beef and beer just go together, and the quinoa and peppers turned it into a warm (or HOT) hearty meal reminiscent of some South American classics.
*I also noticed you said dried thyme and rosemary... but in your prep shots they were still on the stems, as picked fresh, and not the jarred dried stuff. To me they looked fresh, maybe a little dry, but that helped sway me. I don't like the twigs.
My vote went to salsalady. 
It really is amazing how high quality all of these entries are, as they are in every throwdown. It has been fun to watch them evolve over the years to a fun international competition, where everyone, experienced or not, has a shot at taking a crown! Hopefully everyone who entered got a badass meal, and a funny story to tell their family and friends who ask questions about their "cookoff for the website". I've seen non-thp people make snide comments about entering such a competition...then be secretly jealous that they don't have the cojones to jump in and have fun! It's a blast. I always have so much fun. Hope everyone else did too, win or not. 
SL's dish reminded me of something from my childhood, a stew with "drop biscuits". And my mom always browned the top, just like you did, so they end up like crunchy biscuits on top of a savory stew. 
...and then you threw Caribbean flavors in to boot. That's a killer dish!!! Nice job!
frydad4 said:
My vote went to salsalady. 
It really is amazing how high quality all of these entries are, as they are in every throwdown. It has been fun to watch them evolve over the years to a fun international competition, where everyone, experienced or not, has a shot at taking a crown! Hopefully everyone who entered got a badass meal, and a funny story to tell their family and friends who ask questions about their "cookoff for the website". I've seen non-thp people make snide comments about entering such a competition...then be secretly jealous that they don't have the cojones to jump in and have fun! It's a blast. I always have so much fun. Hope everyone else did too, win or not. 
SL's dish reminded me of something from my childhood, a stew with "drop biscuits". And my mom always browned the top, just like you did, so they end up like crunchy biscuits on top of a savory stew. 
...and then you threw Caribbean flavors in to boot. That's a killer dish!!! Nice job!
I liked that too. I was trying to taste it in my head and it kept coming up Thai, not Caribbean. Too bad we can't actually taste them! I almost pressed the button.
The Hot Pepper said:
In the Andes mountains they make a variety of spicy soups and stews with quinoa (and some varieties have beef and potatoes). I also love hearty stews with wine or beer. Husker hit those South American notes, while staying true to American comfort flavors.
I'm glad they were out of barley and you used quinoa. It really makes it into a meal, more original than rice, and barley... eh, not as good as quinoa, and too large and starchy since you have taters in there. Here's the Andean dish similar to what you made... just in case you didn't know about it... it's kinda weird how you came close to that. Also why I dig it. You made good choices here, as a cook. Your flavors all meld and complement each other.
LOVE all the fresh, not frozen, veg! And the herbs used. Beef and beer just go together, and the quinoa and peppers turned it into a warm (or HOT) hearty meal reminiscent of some South American classics.
*I also noticed you said dried thyme and rosemary... but in your prep shots they were still on the stems, as picked fresh, and not the jarred dried stuff. To me they looked fresh, maybe a little dry, but that helped sway me. I don't like the twigs.
Thanks. The herbs are dried and straight out ma garden. Well not straight out, they have been drying since I cut them all out at the end of the season. Points for home grown? ;)
Yup, it looked like home grown, dried on the stems. Much better than the wooden twigs in the jars. ;)

PS. You almost lost my vote here.
Husker21 said:
1 can Guinness Draught for the stew.  3 Guinness Draughts for the cook.
I thought it meant 4 beers in the pot; 1 for stewing and 3 for "the cook" as in the cooking process... I finally saw you meant those three went into your belly, lol. That made a big difference.
The Hot Pepper said:
Yup, it looked like home grown, dried on the stems. Much better than the wooden twigs in the jars. ;)PS. You almost lost my vote here.  I thought it meant 4 beers in the pot; 1 for stewing and 3 for "the cook" as in the cooking process... I finally saw you meant those three went into your belly, lol. That made a big difference.
Yup in my belly along with about 6-8 oz of whiskey. It was a great Sunday Funday!
JayT said:
I am diggin' DTS the most.  The thicker gravy is what got me.
Thick indeed. Ain't no juice all over that plate.

I am still stressing who to vote for. DTS made a nice plate. The Cuban arroz con pollo looked real good as well. And then there was the bread bowl. And the skrimps!
I love this TD. It has something for everyone.
Thanks for the vote FD4!  Much appreciated! 
This was a last minute jump in and Chicken Pot Pie came to mind....but regular ol' chicken pot pie just won't cut it in a THP TD!  Thai or Caribbean....not sure which is more accurate.  I went with Caribbean as the spices from Sauce Goddess were "Latin Spice Mix".  Whatever it was, it was good and we ate leftovers. 
It's funny that at our local grocery store, sometimes I'll go in looking for something unique and the people there are, like- "Oh are you doing that cooking thing that Scovie's doing?"  :lol:   Yea, he's already been through the store and got his ingredients.  :lol:   And they will also do special things for us!  Like when I had $1 to spend on chicken, so the butcher shop cut a chicken breast  down to $1 amount. 
Love the quinoa used by huskers.  Rice breaks down when cooked in a stew for very long, don't particularly care for barley....quinoa is a great choice.
Sheesh- D2S's shepherd's pie, seafood lasagna....and KybrdKid's shrimp looked/sounded tasty, but didn't have the complete meal of others. 
Lots of creativity by all the entrants!  I'd eat any of 'em (except maybe that venison one....but I'd give it a taste...)    
First, i'm not gonna scold Jay (tough i'm sure for some unkonwn reason he deserves to, lol just joking :D) for seafood and cheese.  I say his combo is interesting and looks very tasty. Broccoli here are good. Unfortunately i don't like them (my problem, in that recipe i see them very well btw).
Of course i must praise Mr Joyners for making his own sausage.... Looks glorious as all of his pictures! Not my fav for personal taste, not for food itself that seems a flawless execution (and i find interesting some cooking order, maybe i've done different, but i'm no expert in stew so it's a good time to learn).
Then Sum... Brilliant! A problem with that type of food is that often it's too dry... With that liquid and seeing final pics i bet this wasn't! Looks very very tasty, well cooked.
Besides his pot and cooking place look cool!
The only flaw is that i'd rank him 2nd (and very close to 1st)...
Anyway my pick.. Is PIC! Seriously, looks epic, well spiced and still natural, you can feel shrimps consistence and taste! Seems a well balanced, perfect combo of seafood and meat! All ingredients that i like!
I'm curious with duck fat for onions (maybe i'm just too used to evo oil).
Besided the extra with "bread dish" drives me crazy (and i'm not counting that for the vote...  It only counts to increase my respect of his cooking skills!).
And i think he still was very true to one pot philosophy!
The truth is... I'd eat every dish!
Wanted to thank THP for pointing me in the direction of this part of the forum...... first time i have done something like this and really enjoyed it.... also had a good excuse to try a dish ive been meaning to have a crack at for a while now hehehe.....
My vote was split between Essegi, FD4 and Geeme. All three i think nailed the essence of what a one pot meal is (for me anyway) --- but FD4 edged it, while not a staple meal in my parts..... Cuban ACP certainly is a treat to have and his looks incredible..... soul food at its finest imo.
.... but to echo some of the other posters id plow through every dish lol
........and Essegi you should give broccoli a chance.... maybe not as an ingredient.... but on its own, steamed with a little sea salt.... it truly is a winner
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