Waiter, there's a fly in my flower

As I was watering my plants today I noticed one of the flowers on my Serrano plant, the first flower that was in almost full bloom on the Serrano, was all closed up and the usually white petals had a hint of brown to them.  Upon further inspection of the flower, a small flying bug (looked like an ant with wings) crawled out of the flower and flew off.  Could this insect be the cause of why my flower closed up?  Is the flower dead or is it supposed to do this? I just upgraded my plants into bigger pots yesterday, perhaps this is the cause and the insect just happened to be there when I checked on it today?

One of the flowers on my habenero plant, just for reference the flower on the Serrano used to look pretty similar to this.

The flower on the Serrano that had the insect inside was the one on the left of the bottom pair.  My camera couldn't really capture the brownish hints to it but you can clearly see the flower is no longer open like it was yesterday.
the flowers are supposed to die and they will eventually drop off. sometimes they hang on to the pepper. i wouldn't worry too much. if you start seeing lots of these bugs, then you could possibly have an issue, but in my opinion, you look to be doing just fine. 
birdfather said:
the flowers are supposed to die and they will eventually drop off. sometimes they hang on to the pepper. i wouldn't worry too much. if you start seeing lots of these bugs, then you could possibly have an issue, but in my opinion, you look to be doing just fine. 
said it perfectly
Thanks guys! I was thinking each flower would yield a delicious pepper and that this little flying guy had just screwed me out of one lol
nature just doesnt work that way. if every flower produced fruit, peppers would be in every hedgerow etc. plenty of flowers fall off with or without bugs