• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Walchit's Glog 2018

Well started germination yesterday, got a little carried away.

I'm too lazy to type out my list for you guys so here are some pics.

Sprouting these from Justin/whitehotpeppers

And these from the auction of labeled pods from Garth/texashotpeppers

Then there are these from trades and seed trains

I may have officially lost my mind! Thanks for stopping by.
little video update from 9/24


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Photoshop doesn't jive with me very well. I'm close to a label though and I will get you guys your sauce sent out

I just picked a decent harvest yesterday. Hoping for at least 1 more decent one
Yeah peppers do a little better when neglected than tomatoes. I have just been stuffing them in the freezer. I was washing and cutting them in half to check for mold and stuff. Now they are just getting froze.
Tomatoes actually made a second attempt lol.


Picked these Friday


Made some room in the freezer


This is from the yellow swamp thing I got from Garth. I dont eat fresh pods much but took a bite of one of these. They are really hot
Maybe crossed with a bbg.
They end up going almost white if you leave them.


Might end up with a ripe chocolate bhutlah or two.


7pot slimer. Idk if this is what they are supposed to look like but they are cool. Pretty consistent pods except the one with the tail.



Podzilla Chocolate

Wow, that omelet looks great and huge! I’m 0 for life on my attempts. Haha. My attempts end up scrambled eggs. Squash looks like dessert to me.

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