• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

This is my first Glog so excuse what ever mess I may create, lol. Took way to many pictures today (31), so Ill post the first 9 and add more in subsiquent posts but didn't think it a good idea to start out doube or triple posting just for additional pics. I will also be updating the thread over time to show growth, pods and such ... but the first few pics of are of the young ones. While Ive been growing my favorite peppers for around 17 years (guess, lol), I always limited myself to 3 varieties or less. Jamaican peppers/Hab, Jalapeño and Cayenne. When things got too tuff Id milk them till they died off and stop growing for a while and start fresh. Most years I only grew the Jamaicans which are my favorite for cooking, home made sauce and the occasional powder to rub meats with or put into certain recipes.

Current inventory:
  • 5 Jalapeño
  • 1 Cayenne
  • 1 Serrano
  • 7 Datil
  • 15 Jamaican Habs (3 large around 3 years old and 12 less than year old)
  • 12 more to be determined
The young ones below are not that old with the oldest being the JA Habs which are around 3 years old now. I happen to find THP site while looking for advice/knowledge to cure one of my Jalapeños, thanks for all the good info guys/girls! In 2012 I added Datil, Thai hot, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Serrano to the mix, totaling around 41 plants now. Hats off \o_ to those of you who grow many more, dont know how you find the time and patients when things go off. That said, Ive done my fair share of battling aphids, nematodes, snails and white fly to no end over the last 3 years. Fortunately I believe to have things under control for now so Ive decided to add 12 new peppers to the mix from the listed seeds shown below.

Ill select 12 to start near end of December or first week in January from the seeds below and give credit once I get some new ones going :)


Need to start clearing our yard to grow more & more & more peppers ;) (*WG rollseyes*)

Top left to right: two Thai Hot and one Cayenne. Bottom row all Datil. BTW I don't grow everything in clay pots, just happen to get a good deal on a bunch in yard sale for a few bucks.

Huge live Oak in background, there's 5 of them in front yard so the shades hard to avoid in first few hours of sun rise.

8 Jamaican Habs in ground and cherry tomatoe in the pot, I need to find a good place to plant the tomatoe soon.

Top left Serrano and more Datil, I'm probably going to gift a few Datils for xmass and some of the other peppers

Serrano's first fower

Serrano's different angle

Edit: final list copied to first post from post #40. These seeds were soaked in water on 12/31/12 and planted 1/1/13 \o/

Edit: This list is constantly being updated as new hooks pop. Even though I lost #5 :/ I will not give up as there are 2 other seeds in dat egg mon ....


A few links to some of my better posts ;)Did you say powder?Did you say MoA?Black light night shots & horn wormsReviews and taste impressions in no order
Devv said:
Just awesome color in that powder!

Lovin' it!
Tanks Scott, hope your dehydrating pods are sticking true to color for you too ^_^ I hope to pull my other ones by tomorrow night if they’re ready, been going at very low temps so it takes longer but comes out better as you already know.

Check dis out, Mama’s been busy again :D I’m very stoked as I see little ladybug larva running around on each plant now. I’ve completely stopped spraying even though I still see some aphids but I’m hoping the little suckers have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, hahaha.

I got to tell everyone should always check the fallen leaves, I saved two nice size larva’s just hanging out on a fallen leaf and relocated them back to one of the MoAs.

Check out where mama laid her second grouping of eggs, you know I'll be protecting dis pod :)

Hope everyone has a great week and tanks for looking ^_^
WalkGood said:
I like the look too but it appears lighter after you grind them till you zoom in, lol. I’ll post some pics after the reply so you can see. Thanks Al, you are always full of complements and I for one appreciate dem brethren :)
I think you might have some longer processing time than me with that awesome jungle you gotz going on. I’m at the end now and hoping they’re all dry by tomorrow night. I ground the first batch of MoAs and the color is a bit lighter than how the dry pods look dried out. As far as I could tell the color came out the same as last batch from first pull but it’s all about taste anyhow. Hope your drying comes out killer brother and I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures ^_^
Thanks muchacha and back at ya, I just love your stories and the way you share your pepper information. I’ll have to save you a little powder to send when this is all done but I want a few more pods to ripen first so I can send some pods too. We will talk bout it soon and thank you for the compliments ^_^

Hope you have an awesome evening and great day tomorrow!

PS I ran out of "like this" but I'll come back and give you mas pepper love when I have mas. For now I hope these do ...
Hope you have an awesome evening and great day tomorrow!


JA MoA SB first batch, second set of pods should be ready tomorrow night.

Wow, Ramon that powder looks amazing. I bet it's packed with flavor!
meatfreak said:
Wow, Ramon that powder looks amazing. I bet it's packed with flavor!
Thanks Stefan, I too am happy with the color. The taste is like that of Scotch Bonnet and with some peppers it seems more concentrated as a powder.
Devv said:
Cool Ladybug egg pics!
I have yet to see them.
Congratulations on the good guys and gals hanging at your place!
Scott they’re hard to spot at first but once you spot one you’ll run across many more. I have no doubt that you have them as you have pictured ladybug pics. Where there’s one there’s more, hehe.
What I found interesting with the pictures above is that it’s the largest grouping I’ve yet to spot. Normally I run across groupings of 3 to 6 eggs and the fact that this girl laid them on the side of a smooth pod was fascinating.
Yesterday I rescued another 6 eggs on a leaf that had fallen off, unless the bad bugs are smart enough to chew the leaf off, lol. These and the ladybug larva are so small that I have to carry a magnifying glass around while inspecting the plants or I might squish dem like little pests. Good luck spotting some, I know you will …
Small harvest last night before dinner: MoA SB, Trinidad Scorp, JA Habs, Chocolate Scorp and a few Thai Hots (Thais are not pictured)



Hope everyone has a great week ...
stc3248 said:
Hmmm...exactly 18 Bonnets and 18 Chocolates in that sink pic...You were on track to 36 reds but fell short at 32 :mope: ...but that's not what started my ocd kicking. Somehow Ramon's magic-math makes 18 Whole Chocolate pods turn into way more than what should be 36 halves!!! C'mon mon...where were you hiding the extra pods? "Sir, I'm gonna need you to step out of the Kitchen and keep your hands where I can see them!" You also ended up with a few extra Bonnets...but someone made off with some of your Red ones. I'm gonna let you off with a warning this time sir...but I got my eye's on you! :shocked:
You are very, very observant, I almost thought you were going to say: photos #1 and 3 brown dehydrator trays wre the same but shot at different angles...

Those dried Bonnets look awesome, I can see those in a dry skillet toasting with allspice berries. The powder will be an asset to any dish.... "Bronzed Chicken" would be one I'd favor.
Cool pictures of the LB eggs. Especially the one of them taking a ride on a JA Hab.
Colorful harvest and individual pod shots.

Keep them coming..even the green ones. I'm still shooting mostly photos of unripe pods, so far.

Always and enjoyable stop here !
Nice pull Ramon!
Pods are picture perfect as usual!
I'm sure I have some Ladybug eggs in there somewhere...if I could just get in there...learned my lesson this year about spacing!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Ramon!  I really love the color of that MoA powder, great look to it!
Thanks Matt, your powders look great too! Have a great week mon!
PIC 1 said:
You are very, very observant, I almost thought you were going to say: photos #1 and 3 brown dehydrator trays wre the same but shot at different angles...
That could have been possible but the choco’s were only a tray and a half, so it would have made sense to pull half the tray off to make it look like mas but I wouldn’t do that. I really don’t put a lot into my pics, lazy I guess, lol.
PIC 1 said:
Those dried Bonnets look awesome, I can see those in a dry skillet toasting with allspice berries. The powder will be an asset to any dish.... "Bronzed Chicken" would be one I'd favor.
Cool pictures of the LB eggs. Especially the one of them taking a ride on a JA Hab.
Colorful harvest and individual pod shots.
Keep them coming..even the green ones. I'm still shooting mostly photos of unripe pods, so far.
Always and enjoyable stop here !
Greg your wording about chicken just got me hungry, lol. Brethren you have a great way with words ^_^
The LB eggs on the JA Hab pod hatched, there is like 25 little ladybug larva running around on the pod, I can’t get them to climb up to the leaves where they’re needed, lol. I guess they’ll find their way eventually when they get hungry. Thanks for the photo kudos and back at you, your pictures and layout are just perfect ^_^
Hab a great week mon!
poypoyking said:
Looking great Ramone, love the ladybug and larva pics, and that powder looks fantastic!
Thanks Ben and have a great week ^_^
Devv said:
Nice pull Ramon!
Pods are picture perfect as usual!
I'm sure I have some Ladybug eggs in there somewhere...if I could just get in there...learned my lesson this year about spacing!
Thanks Scott for da pod complements and back at ya, you have awesome pods too ^_^
I’m sure you have some eggs but I agree it might be hard to find in that jungle. Plus they’re a lot smaller than pictures depict them to be. Although they might be bigger in TX & CL, IDK. The ladybug larva are also very tiny but 24 hours after hatching and probably after eating good they do look bigger day by day. The ones on the leaf and pod have hatched and they’re cruising around already \o/
I received a gift from Rick in da mail today, great job spreading the pepper love Rick, thank you! Both my son and I were home when it came in and we both loved the strawberry rhubarb jam and the Hab hot sauce, great job!
Glad you liked them Ramon, and I'm gratified that all that glass got through the USPS unharmed... :party:
I tasted your MoA SB today, and posted my impressions in my glog... Loved it! And will definitely be growing it for myself next year. Cheers!
Devv said:
Nice score from Rick! He's the man!
I can attest, both are wonderful!
Enjoy them!
I saw when you got your package and had read how much you enjoyed ... thanks for sharing :)
stickman said:
Glad you liked them Ramon, and I'm gratified that all that glass got through the USPS unharmed... :party:
I tasted your MoA SB today, and posted my impressions in my glog... Loved it! And will definitely be growing it for myself next year. Cheers!
Rick the packaging was perfect, if anything had broken it wouldn't have been your fault. Thank you again and thanks for pointing me to your MoA impressions, it will be the first thing I read when I come back from dinner.
Hi Ramon,
   I sampled one of your JA Red Habs this morning before putting the rest into my egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Very nice flavor... I got the distinct impression of fruity sweetness before the capsaicin kicked in. Moderate burn for a Hab too. How many days to maturity? If it's around 90-100 days, I may just grow that next year instead of the Maya Red Hab. Cheers!
 Many great harvests and many great gifts and giving. Excellent review of the scorp. I have found the few scorps I have tried to be very bitter and pungent with a earthy aftertaste.   So it is nice to see there are better tasting pods out there of that variety. 
 Really suprised you have never had a yellow 7 pod. I thought for sure i sent you a few to try. If I had you would definitely grow some. Just an amazing pepper and will have your taste buds dancing. I will send ya a few soon. 
 I have been told that  sometimes the spiking on pods can be from Stink Bugs.  Well we have plenty of those pests so it would not suprise me if that was true. I have seen my aji lemons, nagas, and many other varieties with spikes. Not sure if it is stink bugs but the person who said that is a much more experienced grower than me. 
 Last but not least your MoA powder has me drooling from ear to ear. I can picture a nice sprinkling on some grilled chicken and rice or a sweet fillet of flounder as we speak. 

romy6 said:
 Many great harvests and many great gifts and giving. Excellent review of the scorp. I have found the few scorps I have tried to be very bitter and pungent with a earthy aftertaste.   So it is nice to see there are better tasting pods out there of that variety.
+1 on Jamie's assessment of the Trinidad Scorpion. I ate the pod you sent today, and it took 3 oz of cheddar and a dozen saltines to get it all down.  Very strong aroma and flavor that reminded me of harsh chemicals for about 3 seconds, and then the capsaicin hit. Just tasted heat and bitterness after that. Lots of heat for 7-8 minutes... it plateaued for another minute or so, and faded quickly to a low-level burn that lasted another 15 minutes. I appreciate your sending one out my way so I could try it for myself before planting one. Now I know that I'll take a pass on this variety. Cheers!
stickman said:
+1 on Jamie's assessment of the Trinidad Scorpion. I ate the pod you sent today, and it took 3 oz of cheddar and a dozen saltines to get it all down.  Very strong aroma and flavor that reminded me of harsh chemicals for about 3 seconds, and then the capsaicin hit. Just tasted heat and bitterness after that. Lots of heat for 7-8 minutes... it plateaued for another minute or so, and faded quickly to a low-level burn that lasted another 15 minutes. I appreciate your sending one out my way so I could try it for myself before planting one. Now I know that I'll take a pass on this variety. Cheers!
OK, I haven't tasted mine yet, now I'm scared...LOL
Compared the JA Hab to the Red Caribbean, the JA won hands down! We also tried the Bhut you sent and compared it to a Funky Reaper, both were liked for flavor and of course both burned. Glad we tasted the Hab's first or we wouldn't tasted them! Daylon my tech, got the hiccups over that Bhut...tore him up!
Your Bhut versus mine for growing next year? I'm gonna plant the seeds from yours, way better flavor!
Thanks again for sending!
stickman said:
Hi Ramon,
I sampled one of your JA Red Habs this morning before putting the rest into my egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Very nice flavor... I got the distinct impression of fruity sweetness before the capsaicin kicked in. Moderate burn for a Hab too. How many days to maturity? If it's around 90-100 days, I may just grow that next year instead of the Maya Red Hab. Cheers!
I’ve honestly never counted days to maturity, maybe Greg has that info since he’s currently growing it. Heat level does vary on time of year picked, it’s possible that the heat level is lower now due to less stress from all the rain before that harvest, IDK, but sometimes they have a serious kick to them. Have you tried the powder, I believe that’s from a little hotter batch.
PIC 1 said:
Just to let you know, my JA Habs are starting to go crazy with pods...the cooler temps has done wonders.
Congrats Greg, can’t wait to see your updated pictures. I must apologize to you and the others, I’m not around here as much lately due to work :/
romy6 said:
Many great harvests and many great gifts and giving. Excellent review of the scorp. I have found the few scorps I have tried to be very bitter and pungent with a earthy aftertaste. So it is nice to see there are better tasting pods out there of that variety.
I will have to send you something soon brethren, waiting for next ripening and I'll reach out to ya. Thanks for the thumbs up on review and you are also spot on with your points. When you say “bitter” I say “tart/tangy” which is probably not much of a difference other than our own perception. And when you say “pungent,” I say “heady scent,” finally I missed the “earthy aftertaste” but I will try again soon and let you know.

I made Tuna Pâté with it and all who tried liked it but that could have been the albacore and heat, lol. I’m not much for eating peppers like this without combining them into foods … thank you for giving me food for thought  :)
romy6 said:
Really suprised you have never had a yellow 7 pod. I thought for sure i sent you a few to try. If I had you would definitely grow some. Just an amazing pepper and will have your taste buds dancing. I will send ya a few soon.
You may have sent some, I’ll have to look back and see, I’m getting a bit forgetful in my old age, lol. But I do remember the Cardi, loved that in a sofrito starter ... man you gotz some killa peppers!!!!
romy6 said:
I have been told that sometimes the spiking on pods can be from Stink Bugs. Well we have plenty of those pests so it would not suprise me if that was true. I have seen my aji lemons, nagas, and many other varieties with spikes. Not sure if it is stink bugs but the person who said that is a much more experienced grower than me.
Interesting, I never heard dat or seen spikes on the JA Habs, although that would look cool on dem, hehe … maybe the stink bugs don’t like dem ;) ... The first batch had none, now I'm noting them on many more from this second batch. The plants are still young and the pods should only get better with time, well I hope. This second batch I've also noticed smaller pods compared to the first batch they produced, but that could be the heat stress as it's been scorcher days here.
romy6 said:
Last but not least your MoA powder has me drooling from ear to ear. I can picture a nice sprinkling on some grilled chicken and rice or a sweet fillet of flounder as we speak.
Thanks Jamie, I’ll get some out to you as soon as I can build up a little stock, it’s the least powder that I currently have. I’ll make sure you get a nice JA Hab sample too, I love dat stuff.
stickman said:
+1 on Jamie's assessment of the Trinidad Scorpion. I ate the pod you sent today, and it took 3 oz of cheddar and a dozen saltines to get it all down. Very strong aroma and flavor that reminded me of harsh chemicals for about 3 seconds, and then the capsaicin hit. Just tasted heat and bitterness after that. Lots of heat for 7-8 minutes... it plateaued for another minute or so, and faded quickly to a low-level burn that lasted another 15 minutes. I appreciate your sending one out my way so I could try it for myself before planting one. Now I know that I'll take a pass on this variety. Cheers!
Sorry you didn’t like it but better to know before you grow as you say. I hear you on the scent which I described as “heady” and I do agree on tart/tangy but the one I tried tasted like some wild berry & passion fruit mix. Some folks do find passion fruit some on the bitter side, so I can see dat impression. Naturally I speak of taste without the heat, because it does mask some flavor for sure. Great picante description Rick ^_^
Devv said:
OK, I haven't tasted mine yet, now I'm scared...LOL
Compared the JA Hab to the Red Caribbean, the JA won hands down! We also tried the Bhut you sent and compared it to a Funky Reaper, both were liked for flavor and of course both burned. Glad we tasted the Hab's first or we wouldn't tasted them! Daylon my tech, got the hiccups over that Bhut...tore him up!

Your Bhut versus mine for growing next year? I'm gonna plant the seeds from yours, way better flavor!

Thanks again for sending!
Scott use it to make something, right before just sample some slivers but don’t forget to eat some placenta where the real flavors lay ^_^

I’m happy you enjoyed the JA Hab, it’s definitely one of my favorite peppers for many uses. I’ll have to grow the funky reaper to find out the taste … interesting you liked my red Bhut VS yours, I really like the look of yours but can’t comment on taste, save me some seed but no rush and eventually we’ll exchange some other seeds down the line as I can't grow more now. Thanks for the comments, it’s always great to read others opinions about taste perceptions :)

Here’s a few Jamaican MoA Scotch Bonnets I picked yesterday after work but was too tired to post. About ¼ of them were true to da cup & saucer shape but only 3 “A” shaped pods with the 4 lobes.






