chinense Want a C.chinense with zero heat???

thegreenman said:
If you havent tried Tobago Seasoning, I have a big Crop coming in and I'll send you some for review Pm me your addy. 

My Tobago Seasoning has no heat. (pepperlover)
Anyone want to trade seeds, Tobago( from me) for Trinidad or some other seasoning? (besides T. Perfume, as I already have some).
What's strange is that my two seed sources produced different pods than yours. Yours more resemble the Trinidad Seasonings that i've seen. But then again, Smokemaster did say that a few types are floating around so who knows.
Mine look a lot more like these, with one or two rounded lobes:
Robisburning said:
I purchased Trinidad seasoning seeds from PepperLover.  There were some crumbs in the bag which I immediately tasted - delicious but definitely hot - I would guess over 100,000SHU.  I could be completely wrong as it wasn't a huge sample but was definitely surprised by the heat. PepperLover has Tobago seasoning listed separately suggesting they a different.
I have 4 seedlings going currently and they are happy vigorous little plants.

I purchased these last year and was surprised by the heat level. They are very heavy producers and in my opinion the best tasting red c. Chinense I have tried. Fruity with no bitter aftertaste.
Interesting MrBigglesworth.  When I tasted it it immediately reminded me of a fruit roll-up, so delicious and fruity. - then came the heat.  I am glad to hear they are heavy producers, I was thinking of making some fruit roll ups from them exclusively or with other fruits as appropriate.If I come up with anything tasty I will post it up.
I've also grown tobagos for the last six years or so.  No heat that I can detect. I've had some folks that are seasoning-sensitive say they can barely detect the heat.  So, I guess <500 could be about right.
I find them great for adding to dishes that require habs.  So, I still use the habs, but I add a little more of the flavor.  We does this mostly when those seasoning-sensitive family members come over. ha 
Thanks for the review. 