wanted Want to trade - from Melbourne, Australia

I'm wanting to expand my modest collection of seeds with some local folks. If there's anything on my list you'd like, I'd be keen to hear from you! I'm particularly looking for Baccatums and ornamentals, but really anything I don't have listed below is great. 

What I've got: 
African Birdseye (Piri Piri) 
Aji Pineapple
Ball Chilli 
Banana Pepper (Sweet) 
Bullet Chilli (Large Asian Birdseye variety) 
Candy Stripe F1* (attached below) 
Cap Mushroom - Red
Chocolate Fatalii 
Chocolate Mini Cap
Corno Di Toro - Red
Habanero - Red
Mad Hatter F1*
Thai Birdseye
*Yes I know, F1s! Bit of a crap shoot, but it can be fun to grow out too. 
Also happy to buy seeds too, if nothing I have tickles your fancy.
Love trading.  Really love trading with folk from other nations.  Daughter and I have a map and a box of envelopes from trades.  Soon the map will be on the wall and we are going to put stick pins in every place we have traded.  Take a look at the seeds that are in the link in my signature.  Also, have a bunch of things new this year and some hybrids I am not comfortable adding to the catalog yet.  Trading this October and there will be much more variety.

BTW: Also likely to create a trade partner list soon.  Just seems like a good idea.  If folk want on the list, I will send it out with each successful trade.  Idea being it would weed out the folk who take advantage, maybe even a trade partner review thing.