wanted Want yellow pepper seeds

I'm wanting to grow what the grovery store sells as "Yellow Peppers"
I assume they are Hungarian hot was peppers. They have a heat level a little less than a jalapeno, but much more than a pablano or pasilla.
Does anyone have the seeds for sale? Or for free :)
That was my thought, but I had others here from THP say to not do that, because the seeds in the peppers may not grow the same pepper.
Hungarian Hot Wax are not a hybrid and your chance that they will be cross pollinated is probably quite low, so saving the seeds from what you like is the cheapest way to do it for this type of pepper  You'll have a very good chance of growing exactly what you want.
Hungarian wax peppers ripen to red. They sell them pre ripened at the stores, so you see that yellow/green color. The seeds are usually not mature enough to germinate, but you may find a few. If they are Hungarian wax peppers save a ton of seeds in hope of getting a few seeds that will germinate.