wanted Wanted: HP22B, 7 pot Primo, Ice Scream

Looking for the following.

7 Pod Primo
Ice Scream

Have paypal and tons of SASBE's. Let me know if anyone can help me out before this season gets too late.

I know the Ice Scream is probably something I can't get my hands on yet but if anyone knows how I can get in touch with Butch Taylor then that would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel K
The IceScream Scorpion is a Butch t creation that's not stable at this time, But i think you can contact him and he might hook you up with some.
Yup never heard of ice cream

Did some digging. Apparently it is / was an unstable strain from Butch Taylor. Looks delicious!

Also, I have some 7 Pot Primo seeds coming in from Jungle Rain. I don't know how many seeds there will be, but if you send me a SASBE I'll split the packet with you!