wanted Wanted-Rome Jalapeno seeds

My sister sent me on a mission to find her some Rome Jalapeno seeds. Does anyone here have a few for sale or can someone give me an idea where they can be purchased?
Thank you in advance.

Deb in East Texas
Thank you Chewi! I really appreciate your efforts :) I did find one person on here who has them listed to trade, but when I tried to send him a message it didn't work. So I looked him up on facebk (hopefully got the right person lol) and messaged him there...waiting for a reply.
silva83tj is his user name. When I try to send him a private message I get the following: "The member silva83tj cannot receive any new messages"
His Mailbox is probably full. You can try this:
Make a comment here in his status update, http://thehotpepper.com/statuses/id/23353/

He may recieve an email notification that someone has posted there.

He is also a Marine and might be deployed. (Thank You sir!)

Good luck!
Oh well, thanks for trying. I can't think of anything else I need right now. I was just trying to help my sister out.