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WANTED: Siling Labuyo Seeds

So, yes, as the title says, I'm looking for siling labuyo seeds, but first, a little background:

I'm a martial arts instructor, teaching a Filipino art called Arnis. My instructor taught me material from a variety of different sources, and also encouraged me to explore other arts, which means what I teach is a rich blend. Since it would be disingenuous for me to call what I do by any of the arts we both borrowed from, with his blessing I gave my method an original name: Siling Labuyo Arnis.

The idea appealed to me, naming a fierce fighting art after a fierce chili (and the hottest one native to the Philippines). The two have similarities; in either case, recklessness is going to cause you pain, but approached in the right way, they'll make you appreciate life.

Anyway, I would love to grow some of these guys for my very own. If you can help me out, I'd greatly appreciated it, and I'm more than willing to pay/reimburse/trade for some seeds.

I grow them all the time for Sinigan. You can get LIVE plants from here. http://www.chileplan...SearchButton=Go

I would be careful buying or trading seeds as so many plants are similar, but not the real deal.
Sinigang one of my favorite dishes to cook :) Thank you so much for the link. I've been searching all over the place for this plant. They are probably the only nursery I'm aware of in the US selling this. Now I don't have to ask my relatives overseas :)