Warning Points

I've just noticed on a thread to which I contributed that I've got 0 Warning Points. I think it's just appeared, and nobody else on the thread got any mention of Warning Points. Well, zero seems like a good number to have, but why did I get singled out for this honor. I can't find anything about this, so perhaps someone can explain it to me. Thanks, Tom
u in trouble,lol....

no only u can see your warning points,no one else can see them. when i post this under my avatar it will say one warning point but you wont see it.
I noticed that on mine earlier. I asked about it in the chat, and they seemed to think it was normal. When I look at your profile info on the left, I don't see anything about warning points/posts.
Is there a information sheet that show the consequences for the different amount of points accumulated, the time period that the warning point stay active/expire.
Put the computer down. Take 10 paces back. Place ID card on deck.... You will NOT be warned again!

Oh yeah, and what AJ posted above.
Ok armac, I guess the Boss is full of it. (You know, the person that makes the rules we all follow.)

But I will quote from the post on warning points as AJ tried to point out to the OP:

"PS. If you follow the rules you need not even worry about this."

I suggest that you correct the Boss and point out the failings you have sniffed out with a PM.


And no, that ain't funny. But tellin you to wring out your panties is very funny!
What in the Sam Hail is goin' on up in here? Don't mess with AJ. Mess with him, you mess with me. Mess with me and you get the bull. Mess with the bull and you get the horns! :P
Can't we just add more spice for the spixcenxet??
