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review Warrant Man Pepper Co.- Aggravated Assault Sauce Review

In other words, your mind was in the gutter.
Here we were trying to get our fat burritos wet mission style with special sauce, is all.
Still sounds wild either way... geez. Stated in the right way, and with confidence. even the greatest line of sh*t sounds pretty good. Check this out, this dude is my idol.... haha
Guess I'm gonna have to visit southern California and try some real burritos. The ones I've had locally, well I think leave much to be desired....
WarrantMan said:
Guess I'm gonna have to visit southern California and try some real burritos. The ones I've had locally, well I think leave much to be desired....
If you ever make your way to southern California, I'll take you to some good spots. But if things get weird and you start ordering wet burritos with extra crema n shit, i'm shippin you off to New York to hang with the hot pepper. lol
Wait that might get him shipped to NY if he reads it wrong. :lol:
THP, Edmick,
Man, you guys don't miss a beat.... :confused:  Geez.  Guess I should've seen that one in the works. I can say with a great degree of confidence, that asking for a "wet burrito" around these parts would likely get you a good ol' fashioned a*s kickin....
I will be a bit guarded from here on.... haha  :rolleyes:
- Reggie
Tried this tonight. It's a very tasty sauce. It's very vinegar and black pepper forward with the tomato giving a little sweetness. In fact I found it took me to some familiar places I don't usually associate with hot sauce in the first second: a really good Bloody Mary or a vine ripe tomato drizzled with a great vinaigrette. Then you get the burn but it's pretty manageable. Once my taste buds were a little numbed (full disclosure I was switching back and forth between this and the Homicide sauce) I could have sipped the entire bottle. And I still might, it's that tasty. It's not really a Louisiana style sauce but It works in any application where you might use one. It really is a must have for your Bloody Mary (and if you like those hot, then add the Homicide too)
The aggravated assault is my favorite in the trilogy of sauces. I've been using it like crazy. I'm about half way through the bottle right now.
Checked out the site but can't order singles, only 3 packs currently.  ;)
singles to be added to purchase options eventually?
Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, currently only three bottle minimum purchases are allowed. I use flat rate insured USPS and charge $6 per bottle ($18) and a flat rate $7.20. I charge $25 and eat the other $.20 I am new at all this (business and shipping) and will explore other options as I go. As a novice, this is currently the best I can do.
Thanks again, I do hope you can eventually try some. If you lived closer I would self deliver and save the shipping!
WarrantMan said:
Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, currently only three bottle minimum purchases are allowed. I use flat rate insured USPS and charge $6 per bottle ($18) and a flat rate $7.20. I charge $25 and eat the other $.20 I am new at all this (business and shipping) and will explore other options as I go. As a novice, this is currently the best I can do.
Thanks again, I do hope you can eventually try some. If you lived closer I would self deliver and save the shipping!
No worries, it wasn't about the price, I was only interested in the two pepper sauces not so much on the flavored vinegar.
Packaging looks very cool, congrats on getting started and bringing them to the masses  ;)
Found another great use for this tonight - ingredient in an Eastern North Carolina style BBQ sauce. Now I know this hot sauce has tomato in it and tomato is verboten in Eastern Carolina sauce, but the amount is so small that no one will notice if you don't tell them. Mix 3 parts ACV to 1 part apple juice, then add Aggravated Assault to your desired level of heat.
Of course once you have an Eastern North Carolina sauce it's easy to use that as the base for a Western NC sauce (add ketchup but keep sauce thin and vinegar forward) or South Carolina (add yellow mustard and a little Worchestershire but still keep thin and vinegar forward)
Hell, Warrantman's Reaper Gold BBQ Sauce might be a cool idea and easy to create given your current sauce recipes.
"Aggravated Assault"

Smells fairly heavy on the apple cider vinegar and tomato juice. Taste is spot on with the aroma; ACV and tomato juice forward, followed by a smooth, mellow(ish) habanero heat and flavor, nicely rounded out at the end with garlic and a little onion. Very, very tasty sauce. Nicely balanced and well rounded. Probably considered a "Medium - Medium Hot" to a non-chilehead.

Thanks again, Reggie!
