wine Warrant Man Winery


I've lurked the wine making and brewing threads for a while and thought I'd do a short vid on my current wine batches. Only my second video ever, so definitely not professional, but why not eh? A few nervous mistakes, but hopefully point is made. Take from it what you will....  :cheers:
In my haste to make the video, I failed to mention that the yeast strains used are particularly chosen for high alcohol yields. This, because I don't use any sulfites and rely solely on the alcohol content to kill the yeast itself and act as preservative. It makes for a really potent product. The wooden rack on the right holds 100 bottles, not sure about the other two (recent gift from a "picker" buddy.)  I once tried to fill them all, but discovered that I gave them away far quicker than I accumulated them. I really enjoy the process and especially the feedback I get. Yes, my buds and neighbors all know what they're getting for Christmas from me, the only surprise is what flavor....
I got my first one at a flea market, found another on Craigslist and hooked them together. It is a modular setup from this company 
  you can go as large as you can afford (apparently they have other styles too)  The other two were commercial ones a friend found somewhere and gave them to me. 