Wasn't a very good season this year

I did plant seeds late so that is the main reason but it was kind of a cool summer this year as well.
One Scotch Bonnet has put out about 10-12 good peppers but everything else was not very good.
Both Thai Dragons are loaded with peppers but they are all black and never turned red except a few which were on the vine so long they got soft.
Anyone else have a sub-par crop this season?
I planted seeds early this season, but nothing seemed to want to grow.  I planted a wide variety of things, gave seedlings to friends and family members, and no one seemed to have any luck.  Purple Jalapenos were my biggest producer, all the supers pretty much died or never fruited.  I have one fatalii right now that won't have the time to grow and ripen before the season ends.  The temps here went up and down.  It was blistering hot for a while, and then dropped into the mid-upper 50's in July for a week.  The beginning of the season was similar where it was really warm and then the temps dropped drastically, killing some of my seedlings.  Everything I did harvest seemed stunted, except the 3 peppers I pulled off a plant at my dads, which, my dogs ate before I could. 
As Cub fans always say, there's always next year. 
Mine started out rocky.  That was mainly due to my own stupidity.  But now that I have that resolved, my plants are loaded with pods.  Now only if I can get them to ripen before the first frost hits.  It's going to be close.  Our first frost hits usually in mid-late October.  Most of the pods are full size, so there's a good chance they will at least start to ripen before then.  Crossing my fingers. :pray:
Got a very late start, then the summer heat stopped everything flowering and setting pods. Now my plants are loaded with flowers and tiny pods. Thank goodness the growing season can last almost until Christmas here. Otherwise, it would be a rotten season.
Got hit by a couple of frosts b/c I got too eager to plant out (thinking of the previous year, how hot it was).  Killed off a bunch of my smaller plants, so a lot fewer plants went in the ground than intended, and all staggered out, so it made weed prevention harder than it had to be . . . Had a couple of sizeable harvests, all things considered, but nowhere near the grand plan . . .
My only decent pull was about 60 pods from my habanero's first and second set. It's working on it's third, now. Other than that, I've been having green pods hanging on every other plant for what seems like months now, and only one or two ripen at a time here and there. BUT, I must have 150 peach ghost scorpions on that plant, so hopefully that will make up for the slow summer.

I have yet to set my eyes on a ripe lemon drop......
Things didn't start out too well here with the weird weather we had, but everything is doing very well now.  Most of my peppers are starting to put out a second flush and it looks like it's going to be a good one.
This was my most productive tomato season I've ever had, I'm a happy camper!!  :dance:
I got stuff in the ground about 4 weeks after I had wanted too.. I had rain for like 2 weeks after frost, and then it took about 2 weeks for ground to not be a swamp.  It was not a good year for me.  I hope that some of the tons of pods that are green will ripen up before it gets too cold.
i started early this year but the weather would not permit me to put them out as early as i ususally did, when i did put them out it was still too slow in warming up then when it finally did it was too hot and then way too much rain some of my plants started dropping leaves and a few pods rotted but once the rain slowed they recovered
messed everything up big time and i know this all comes into play even now and now it cooled early again and i have pods that refuse to ripen, green pods everywhere :rolleyes:
i cant complain too much however because i have had a few nice harvests and just picked again today and got a bunch :party:
some of my species have just stalled, i have big beautiful healthy plants with pods but there not ripening, night temps are too cold, i hear tell were in for an Indian summer??
where is it?? and if so when??
yeah preaty much in the same boat as everyone else :confused:
thanks your friend Joe
Bugger of a season, but now I know exactly what is needed for next year in the plot of space I have them in.
This season was fairly bad for everything here; huge hailstorms, some of the worst rainstorms we've had in years, and a really hot and dry spell. I'm hoping to somewhat counter Montanas bipolar growing season with a greenhouse next year
I damn near killed everything with a bag of mislabeled fertilizer about 2 weeks after planting them out, which was a month later than last year on account of a mid-May frost.  Then it was ungodly hot and nothing in my garden - chillis, tomatoes, eggplants - set any fruit for about 6 weeks.  In mid-August it cooled off any everyone woke up and started flowering like crazy and loading up with pods, but the last few weeks have been very cool, almost frosty at night so nothing's ripening...juts a few hundred pods sitting there, green.
By this time last year my dozen plants had damn near filled my chest freezer and this year 40+ plants still haven't filled a single gallon-size freezer bag.  Some of the superhots haven't yielded a single ripe pod.  I'm just praying that the first frost holds off a few more weeks so I can harvest something.
I can say the same Marine dad. I got a stupidly late start and haven't even had one ripe super hot to show for it! Good thos is that I learned from my mistake and arleady have plants going and will be sure to have a super early start for next yr! My bubblegim 7 pot already has first buds on it , so it should be a monster by the time final pot up comes! Best of luck to ya for next yr!!!
Nigel said:
Got a very late start, then the summer heat stopped everything flowering and setting pods. Now my plants are loaded with flowers and tiny pods. Thank goodness the growing season can last almost until Christmas here. Otherwise, it would be a rotten season.
Lucky!!! My grow season is probably half that here in Seattle area! We always get half ass summers here. Its already hit 43 degrees foe the low.
I planted on May 23rd, had a dismal germination rate and a cooler than normal spring/summer til after July 4th weekend. all said, I have probably a dozen super hots with pods and flowers continuously blooming. the only real problem is everything is green. the pods are still green with no sign of changing anytime soon. And its almost October.
Bright side is, time permitting, these plants are all coming indoors for the winter.
Everything was going PERFECTLY until a week and a half ago when it started raining and did not stop. Leaves are yellowed bad and dropping. Hopefully everything will be alright when the are dry.
I started most all my seeds right after Christmas. then march came and warm weather set  in I then planted out. then april came I had to dig up my plants and bring them inside because we got a horrible cold spell. then the rain set in the first of may with really cool weather. I finally got my plants in the ground the middle to end of may. then july hit and it got hot. then I got hit with alphites. but all in all my first season ever growing super hots was way better then I had planed forshure. out of 13 bhut plants I got well over 3000 pods and still counting.
Southern cali here, I put seeds in the germ tray mid april.... had no other choice because of a move here from okinawa.... while the weather and everything was perfect for the tomato plants, I just now have a few plants with pods.... fatallis are probably the hottest I have going right now.... biggest plant is pushing a foot tall and I have some that are still only two inches tall at most....

Keep being told I have mostly a year round growing season with A few days I might have to cover them for frost, but I doubt it as it went from being in the 60s in the morning to the 40s already....

No ripe pods yet....
My plants didn't start to wake up and produce till this month. Been slow going, huge plants with gigantic stalks and now loaded down with literally hundreds of pods that are slow to ripen. The weather permitting like it's doing right now, should have a substantial harvest very soon. Outside today is probably, wait not probably, but the nicest day we've had all year. It's absolutely gorgeous outside. If it stays like this, I'll be swimming in pods!
Yeah, today was nice here too. a little windy later on , but nice.
hope it stays that way for the next 3 weeks.