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Watch it for the lulz

So here it is, my friends.
Raw. Unedited. Amateur.

A store bought orange habanero. I cut the top off, it was wilty around the stem and the seeds were discolored so they had to go. Don't know if it would have made a difference but meh, store bought. This wasn't for taste, it was just to get a feel for the camera and some heat. Like I said, aside from a bit of my home made hot sauce, I've not really had anything hot since last fall.

My name is Skydiver, noob of noobs:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and get lulz!
I wanted the first 10 seconds and had to post. You're Quadshotz long lost brother!!!:lol: Now to go watch the vid...

Watched the video, I should have a 7 Pod in a couple weeks for both you and Quad to eat on camera. Nice hole in you shirt when you wiped your eyes, your nose sticks through.
good job SD...now you know what to look for...my homegrown O. Habs were a lot hotter than store bought ones...but, as you say, now you have a good baseline for the heat this year...
AlabamaJack said:
good job SD...now you know what to look for...my homegrown O. Habs were a lot hotter than store bought ones...but, as you say, now you have a good baseline for the heat this year...

Yupyup, I have 8 orange habs in the ground, and they're already looking fruitful, so I'm really really looking forward to them, but I absolutely can't wait to hurt myself with a bhut for you guys :hell:
Nice video, and that is without considering it is your first one. I will be tuning in for the rest. I can't wait to see you eat Cappy's 7 Pod. That may be the last vid you make hahha.
Nice job man!


Ha, scary...he DOES kinda look like me...eeeek! POD PEOPLE!! ;)

Anyhoo, congrats on yer first vid mate, and here's to many more adventures in chiledom!

QuadShotz said:
Nice job man!


Ha, scary...he DOES kinda look like me...eeeek! POD PEOPLE!! ;)

Anyhoo, congrats on yer first vid mate, and here's to many more adventures in chiledom!


We're gonna take over, just don't let the humans know.

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