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water watering help

Ok I have been reading that overwatering is BAD. I have a
situation/possible proplem I need to fix. Seems every day
when I go out to check plants all the ones in the large
containers are wilted. But after a nice drink an hour later
Poof they are back up and fine.I may have given them too much drainage as it seems the soil is almost dry the next day.
Is watering them (a little in the day to perk em up then some
at night) every day harmful??I know they like it dry but
I hate seeing them all witly.
oh forgot to say they are growing fine getting more leaves/branches almost every day
When I water I always water thoroughly and deeply. I read that part of the watering process is to wash away salt in the soil and frequent shallow waterings will cause salt to build up in the soil as the water evaporates, and the salt buildup can stunt or kill your plants.

I've got some dirt that is so porous it will not hold moisture at all - six inches of rain in two days and the next day the top six inches was dry enough to shovel. I added peet and potting soil to it (in layers) to help it hold moisture. It seems to be working, as I only have to water them about every five days if it is extremely hot and dry. But then, I soak them so water is standing for maybe two minutes.

Overwatering is bad, yes, but that is in cases where they don't need that much water and the moisture sticks around. Only water when nessicary and it sounds like, in you case, it is nessicery to water as often as you are.
I heard it's better to water deeply twice a week rather than a little here or there.

Also, you might want to put Mulch over the soil... Mine used to dry two inches down 10 hours after watering, now the soil stays dark and moist for days.

I got a big-ass bag of red pine mulch at Walmart for like $5.
RichardK said:
I heard it's better to water deeply twice a week rather than a little here or there.

Also, you might want to put Mulch over the soil... Mine used to dry two inches down 10 hours after watering, now the soil stays dark and moist for days.

I got a big-ass bag of red pine mulch at Walmart for like $5.

or peat on top as well. I mixed peat into my soil and it seems to stay moist for a few days at a clip -- both do the same
I would be very careful with using pine mulch...pine needles and bark are acidic and if the "stuff" in them leach into the soil, you may be making your soil to acidic..
I use pine and/or cedar every year since it is a waste product of my saw-mill and I find it to be a great mulch
OK...I just remember that pine straw is good for azealias and they like an acidic soil...of course peppers like it somewhat acidic too...I was just afraid it would make the soil too acidic...but I you have been using it full time Potawie thats good enough for me...
good info here. i'm laying off my old watering habits to see how the plants do. I haven't watered my peppers since Saturday and they look perfect.
Ty everyone for the tips and suggestions.Very Helpful.
I forgot to add when i said i gave them a drink well
I meant I give em a generous drink then wait til that
water sinks down then 1 more generous drink til I see
a lil come out the drainage holes. Same think today got
back from gunners surgery check plants again wilty looking
(but not serious wilt) did the same with the water poof
it seems to be working they are gettin taller and bushier
everyday but I may try some of your mulch tips see if that helps
Thanks again to all wouldnt be this far along without your