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water Watering question

Yes I didn't realise what I was getting in for when I got the pots, less plants bigger pots next year, hmm I think I just thought of another question...
Hi Lally.

If you have a morrisons near you they do flower buckets (the black ones that you find cut flowers in) 8 for 99p. They are 10" wide and take 10 litres of compost. Depending on the compost you use the longer they stay damp. Try adding some perlite and vermiculite next year (£1.00 - £1.50 a 5ltr bag at wilkinsons). Don't get it from b&q as its about £7 for 10ltr.

4 - 5 parts compost to 1 part perlite and 1 part vermiculite.

They both hold masses of air and water and also help with drainage. It will keep them damper longer and not waterlogged.

Thanks for the tips on potting up for next year, is there a particular type of compost you'd recommend? I've been using Leavington multi-purpose John Innes from a local garden centre, there's a Wilkinsons very close as well. I've also been using Wilinsons own wonder grow all-purpose soluble plant food, I've just checked the label and it's 16,10,27 with Mg and trace elements (B,Cu,Fe,Mn,Mo,Zn)
Lots of people recommend the chilli focus but i have used hardly any this year.

I give a bit of multi purpose (if needed) until they start fruiting then half strength tomato food. They generally don't need any as they move up pot size so fast and get new compost. Then in the final pot I wait around a month for the nutrients to deplete somewhat and give tom food once a fortnight. Occasional sprinkling of Epsom salts (magnesium) if they look a bit yellow.

I have used my local garden centres own brand (Poddington Garden centre near Santa pod) which has peat in and silver sand - it remains light and uncompact all year.

Then I had some plants that were really struggling and became root bound in peat pots somehow. Somebody recommended Wests +.
Its a strange looking stuff but my plants shot up in it and are really healthy.

Gonna use again next year.


You may want to consider potting up soon - the plants are more than likely completely root-bound now, otherwise watering them once a week would be plenty.
