• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


If anyone is interested, the seeds for the above watermelon are available (for a suitable trade! I like pumpkins :) ) It turned out to be a giant yellow watermelon. PM me.

edit: upon further investigation I believe this to be a variety called "orangeglo", just based on size and a few pictures I've seen on other sites. Seeds are yellow, not the normal black you see in other watermelons.
Nice !! -- my giant canteloupe has a liitle ways to go to catch up to that melon ( It's 17" length - 32 Inch around ) but is still green and growing slowly - I think the other melons on the vine are slowing it down a bit found 3 more hiding in the grass that I hadn't noticed so on the 3 plants now have 10 lopes growing. Here's a couple of pics :

The larger one :

And the 3 that were hiding in the grass :


OH and the Pumpkin has pretty much stalled at around 220 Lbs. but looks like it will hold out till it is time to carve it up for Halloween :

Nice 'kins! I'll have at least 3 luminas good for Halloween. May have one or two more smaller ones by then as well. With the cooler weather the pumpkins have really started setting fruit. Went to the pumpkin patch with the kids and picked up four nice big pumpkins. I'll get get some good seeds on those. Don't forget me when your deseeding those big uns! They're awesome!
Nice 'kins! I'll have at least 3 luminas good for Halloween. May have one or two more smaller ones by then as well. With the cooler weather the pumpkins have really started setting fruit. Went to the pumpkin patch with the kids and picked up four nice big pumpkins. I'll get get some good seeds on those. Don't forget me when your deseeding those big uns! They're awesome!

I won't - will be removing the seeds the week of Halloween when carving it - then it takes about a week to get them dried enough to put in a bubble to mail ( Don't want them getting moldy during shipping ) -- If you get a chance send me a PM with your address and I'll put them in the mail as soon as they are ready.

Looks like I'll have about 5 or 6 decent Luminas and finally got 1 regular pumpkin growing that might turn orange before it's too late plus the giant so should be able to put a pretty good display together- plus will be taking the neice to the local pumpkin patch on her schools field trip so will probably get a few more there. Can't believe how quickly the holiday season is getting here.
Harvested the first Giant lope today -- 25.0 Lbs. of nice sweet ripe melon - and plenty of seeds to share (this is the first of 6 on the plants the others still have a bit of time left to ripen but are coming along !)

This zucchini ran into my tomato patch

my son holding it.


the other two crops

My son and I are interested in trading seeds with you guys. Melon,pumpkin,and watermelon.
pm me if interested.
Nice looking Zuke !

I'll have the giant pumpkin and cantaloupe seeds ready a couple weeks after Halloween (the giant pumpkin seeds take a few weeks to dry completely ) Once they are ready I'd be happy to trade with you. I'll PM you.

EDIT : Jeff - I tried to send a PM but your box is full so I'll try again later or you can send me a PM when you get a chance !
I started 5 collard plants this past spring... Those things grew like crazy! Completely overwhelmed with greens. I have about 140 gallon bags of frozen greens in my freezer. I gave away 5 full grocery bags of greens to my neighbors (not included in the previous tally, nor is the amount we've eaten fresh).

They died off in august though.

My sweet potatos are doing pretty well also! But not like the greens, nothing has grown like those this year. Not even the lettuce (last years winner).
After seeing that watermelon, it makes me want to try growing a watermelon again, I have a favorite called OrangeGlo very tasty, better than most reds. It can get up to 30 pounds and is deep sugar sweet orange. The thing is vine borers, stink bugs and a host of others like it also and it gets killed out by mildew and especially spider mites. I had one really good year, Oh my god I had so many melons that I was going house to house giving them away. Sadly I don't really have the space now and I still have the problems and my poor cukes take a beating from them. My asian cukes do the best, but my watermelons and squash are out for now. For good melons you need plenty space with good air circulation which I don't have in my garden at this time.
That big one in my picture is an orangeglo. Very productive and the kids loved them. As far as advice: Lots of water, leave them alone. Let them grow and spread (and they will). I was lucky not to have any bad bugs this year (just big nasty slugs...ugh) so I'm not sure what to do about them, although some diatomaceous earth layed down should take care of any crawlies on the ground.