marketing-promo website

Ok, Can I ask you all for an honest opinion? I’m not sure about my website. At first I was just excited to have it up and running but I’m having second (Third, fourth and fifth) thoughts about it. It just doesn’t seem to jump out and catch me. Is it a decent site and I’ve just looked at it one to many times or is it as boring a site as I’m starting to think it is. Please check it out and give me your opinions. Feel free to be as real and blunt as necessary (it will only hurt for a little while)
May I be blunt??

For starters, it works better than mine. But then, I don't know what I'm doing... So, take that all with a grain of salt. :D

The peppers on your main page, (/longbranch_r4_c2.gif) are fuzzy on my system and the print on the labels is difficult to read.

Other than that, it looks fantastic.

Congratulations on the awards.

How we got started: My husband has been making these sauces for years for our friends and family. The only thing we heard more often then “More Please” was “You should bottle this stuff and sell it!” Well, we took their advice to heart and here we are. Longbranch Trading Company Gourmet Sauces. Sauces so good they’re addictive. One bite and you’ll be a customer for life.
Sure I've seen similar before - Newman's salad dressing perhaps?
I think the site is fine. It's a little plain but I get tired of everybody putting all those flash files on their site and the damn thing takes forever to load.

It loads fast and functions well. Now, I want to try some of those sauces! :lol: :) ;)
I agree with another poster. Simplicity in design is important. I took a web design course, and current wisdom is that the busier a site is, the more people will click out of it, rather than wait for it to load. People just won't wait long. If you have more information than will fit on a page, you are better off linking additional pages then cramming one full.
Good job. I'll have to give your sauces a try.

LBTC - You may want to create a unique page for each sauce, so that you can make the pictures larger for Tina and you can have some space to list the award and a longer description if need be. Plus all the ingredients and the buy buttons - instead on having those listed on the "order" page.
sweatnspice said:
LBTC - You may want to create a unique page for each sauce, so that you can make the pictures larger for Tina and you can have some space to list the award and a longer description if need be. Plus all the ingredients and the buy buttons - instead on having those listed on the "order" page.

Or maybe Tina can upgrade from her 12" green/white monitor. :lol:

Nice Site

I like the site. The products look like they would be good. Someone else suggested creating a seperate page for each product, i think that would be good. Then you can optimize each page with keywords specific to that product, more chances to come up in search results.