Weird discolouration on all my plants

Hey, I noticed some weird colour changes on the top set of leaves on all my plants (5 varieties, all affected). I have no idea what's going on. Is this bad? How can I fix it?


So, Im sure they need to be watered, if its been that long. When did you pot them up in that potting soil they are in? Im betting they need to be fed. I feed my plants with Dynagrow. Just a basic fert will work, although I dont like Miracle grow.
They were potted up just over a month ago. There are two plants per pot, and each pot is 10 or 11 gallons. I'll water them and pick up some fertilizer tomorrow then!
looks like sunburn. cant see from my phone. is it in the veins of the leaves or across the tops of the bumps on the leaves?